"Why are you so scared, baby? What happened?" Cady asked gently.

Hearing how concerned Cady sounded sparked something in Clara she wasn't familiar with, or something she's not familiar with as of late. It was the same feeling she would get as a child. When your mother talked to you in a soothing manner it made you want to respond equally so. Though she wasn't a fan of letting her vulnerability show, in this situation, with her Momma on the phone, she felt like she could tell her anything.

"I had a dream. I-I...it really freaked me out." She spoke in a broken sentence, as if her thoughts weren't coming as naturally as she would like. Like improv, everything happening happens on a whim. Except instead of a scene with acting, it was a basic sentence that shouldn't, and normally wouldn't involve to much brain power.

"What was the dream about, hon?"

"It's gonna sound crazy....or like I'm being dramatic but I promise—"

"Bella, honey, if it scared you this much then it is not by any means crazy. Now, try your best to explain it to me. Take all the time you need, okay?"

"But—but what did you have planned for today? I don't want to keep you from any plans you made. Your trip was supposed to be about you and Mom getting away to relax. Away from the work and stress."

"Don't you be worrying about that. You're never something I want to get away from. I'm your Momma first and foremost. No matter what. Even when I'm on the other side of the world. Plus, don't tell her I told you but...your Mom isn't taking the heat very well—"

"Cady! You promised me you wouldn't bring it up ever again!" Regina whined from the background. "It's not my fault it's so hot here!"

"You're right babe, heatstroke isn't funny. What is, is what you did to that lions—"

"Don't say it! I was hallucinating from the heat! You can't blame me for that!"

Clara's eyes widened slightly, "Uh...what did Mom do to the lion? Also...she approached a lion?"

"Don't worry. She was a tamed lion. And...well..your Mom, she—"

"Cady Heron-George! Don't you even think about it!" Regina grumbled sounded closer then she did before.

"She thought the lions tail was the worlds most talented snake dancer....and started 'dancing' with the tail as the lion whipped it around" Cady spat out quickly awaiting Regina's act of disapproval.


Clara couldn't help but laugh at the two. The image playing in Clara's mind of her Mom Regina dancing with a lion's tail thinking it was some sort of rare dancing snake instantly put her in a better mood. How could it not?

"Anyway, it turns out your Mom didn't loose her mind, it was just the heat getting to her. So..we're taking a breather in the hotel room."

Clara sighed a little bit relieved. She had been far to used to fighting battles having to do with her emotional imbalance alone that she forgot how nice it is to have someone whose got your back. Despite the fear she still felt, she wasn't nearly as terrified as before. Especially knowing it was all a dream brought forth because of her being paranoid.

"Now, back to you. What was the dream about?"

As much as the urge to spill her guts became more and more intense, Clara just couldn't do it. Coming clean about Ethan being back wasn't something she wanted to do over the phone. As well as that, what could Cady and Regina do about it from the other side of the world? Worry hopelessly? Cut their vacation short? Clara was the one who convinced them to go in the first place. Begging them to come back now? No, Clara couldn't and wouldn't do that.

Lions Pride: Mean Girls Next Generation Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant