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"If you look at this equation here, you can see that—Kenneth...care to explain what you're doing?" Ms. Norbury groaned bringing a tired hand to her glasses.

"I'm building this epic paper wad tower! Isn't it lit?"

On his desk, completely covering the actual calculus work, was an expertly crafted paper wad tower. It was clear to everyone in the room, this was far from his first time creating something of this magnitude.

"Kenny, maybe paying attention would benefit you. I mean, we're all acutely aware of...where your skills lack..." Naomi remarked with legs crossed, picking at her nails absentmindedly.

"Naomi, maybe talking like a normal person would benefit you." Kenny quipped back as he carefully added another paper wad to his creation.

"How about you both benefit yourselves by paying attention to your teacher who doesn't get paid nearly enough for what she does..." Ms Norbury sniped turning back around to her board to continue the lesson.

Clara herself hadn't exactly been keeping her mind on track during the duration of this specific calculus class, and it became abundantly clear when Ms Norbury decided it was the "speaking part of the program". Rapid fire, as Clara liked to call it. Popcorn, as everyone else referred to it. A "game" where a student is called on randomly to answer an equation as quickly as possible.

"Naomi? Here's your equation." Ms Norbury called out

With a sly smile of pride for her intelligence, the brown haired girl announced, "X is greater than the value of Y!"

The way she spoke prompted several eye rolls from all of the room. Specifically from those who were battling Naomi for the title of Valedictorian. Though, everyone knew deep down they didn't have a chance against her. That girl...was basically a walking encyclopedia based on anything a human mind could dream up.

"Don't feel to bad, everyone. This girl's literal hobby is studying." Kenny rolled his eyes, "None of us normal people would have a chance against her even if we tried."

"Is that supposed to be an insult? Because Kenneth, all you did was call me smart." Naomi laughed unfazed. "At least my hobby is allowing me to grow as a person..."

"And what is my hobby? Last weeks newspaper?"

"Building paper wad towers is going to get you nowhere in life besides standing on the side of the road doing sign tricks for the only fast food establishment in town that would take your nonexistent resume."

"Big oof." Shepherd chortled making sure to keep his voice just above a whisper. "Got 'em."

"He's being strung out to dry like laundry on a clothes line...Kenny, you're slippin', Bro." Charlotte cackled finding it absolutely hilarious that the quarterback was being put in his place by none other than the class's leading nerd. "What do you think, Shep...pretty fricken' funny don't you think?"

Kenneth swung his head around "Shut up, you combat boot wearing—"

"Alright! That's enough!" Ms Norbury wailed, "God, it never gets any easier, does it? Do any of you..actually value your education?" She asked hopefully. When only Naomi raised her hand, she rubbed her temples, she guessed she should've expected that. It was never easy with their parents...why would it be easy with them? "Do questions 10-15 for homework...you have the rest of the class period to work on it." It was clear..her faith in the new generation was slipping.

Naomi, of course, immediately scribbled down answer after answer. It was almost...inhuman.

"Dude, do you think she's actually..reading the questions? Maybe she's a robot that can see the future and knew what was going to be on the homework before we even got it!" Charlotte whispered to her best friend. Shepherd looked to only consider it for a moment.

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