Chapter 27

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The day was losing light, the faint twinkling of stars straining from their heights in the heavens to see Evie leave the cafe. She had finished her drink and lingered to chat with Sam, checking in on how business had been and what was new for her. Stepping onto the sidewalk, Evie felt rejuvenated, better than she had in a long time. It dawned on her that ever since moving to the city, her life seemed to be in turmoil, chaos, and spiraling downward. She thought about how Cahill had come in and supported her, never presuming to save her. How Aoife and Ethelinda taught her that the strong woman she felt inside could be coaxed out and the world is prepared. Her tool bag was full with everything but a few final pieces. Most notably, she needed Arual by her side.

Gazing up at the twilight sky, Evie reflected on how they were inseparable, how both their parents joked about having a second daughter. Ary was always there and never questioned or made Evie feel less than. She was exactly what Aoife and Ethelinda had in one another. Lost in thought, Evie hadn't even noticed Ary walking beside here, meeting her every stride. With a quiet "ahem," Evie looked over and met the eyes of the woman she longed for in her life. "Ary!"

Leaping forward, Evie catapulted herself into Ary's arms, engulfing her in a bear hug. She began to weep, losing herself in her best friend's shoulder. It then dawned on her that Ary was not returning her embrace. Evie stepped back and gazed into Ary's eyes. Though she appeared to beam with happiness, there was something darker behind Ary's eyes. Her smile did not reach her eyes, stopping just short of her cheeks, deceptively rosy and joyful. "Are you okay, Ary?"

"Yeah, never better, Evie! I missed you." The words sounded robotic, rehearsed. Her motions with lifelessness and without the zeal she knew Ary to have. They continued walking in the same direction, Evie on high alert and carefully considering her next move.

"So what have you been up to?"

"Oh, you know. Hanging out with Matt, at home. Nothing much." Stillness settled in the space between them, their feet matching pace as they often found. "What about you?"

"Me? Oh, you know. Working."

"How's Cahill?"

"Good. good." Evie couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach, warning her that something was off in this scenario. Trying to shake the feeling, she refocused her attention to Ary. "What are your plans tonight? I am on my way back but I can make a stop." All at once, Evie wished Ethelinda were there to give her an escape.

"I'm actually heading for a drink with Matt. You should come!" Ary began jumping around and pulling on Evie's arm. Her shoulder began to ache with the force Ary was exerting.

"Oh, you know, I really need to get back. It's getting late."

"The moon is barely in the sky. Chicken!"

Evie stopped, recognizing the tone closer to who she knew to be her Ary. "I am not!" Her lips curled up and her guard lowered, waiting for Ary's response.

"Prove it! Come out with Matt and I." Evie looked up, seeing the deep purple of the night sky was quickly overtaking the pale blue of the day, the clouds becoming increasingly darker. Nodding, Ary took Evie's hand in hers and led the way.

They stopped in front of Club Danse, the place where Evie last encountered Matt and Aoife stepped in to her aid. Evie watched, amazed as Ary greeted everyone by names, including the intimidating bouncer whose name was apparently Rocco. He leaned down and presented his cheeks. Ary rested her hands lightly, one on each shoulder, and moved from cheek to cheek, a ghost of her lipstick staining his skin. "Welcome, Ms. Coven. Matt is inside waiting."

"Come on, Evie!"

Evie nodded to Rocco and swallowed hard as she entered the doors just behind the coveted red velvet rope. It was just as she recalled: the narrow corridor leading to the multi-colored dance floor. Two bars buttressing the dance floor, people pressing to order a drink. The DJ was sitting on the same wall she remembered with the VIP section opposite.

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