Chapter 10

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Evangeline was bounding down the street, a bounce to her step. She was going to her favorite places in her new neighborhood to prepare for Arual's visit in a few short hours. She had stopped at the local florist to buy a bunch of tulips for her home, as well as the local grocer to stock up on their favorite snacks and yummy things. Glancing down at her watch, she determined she had enough time to stop at the nearby cafe to grab a cup of tea to go.

She pushed the front door and it easily yielded to her weight. She smiled at the lovely young lady behind the counter, Sam. "Hi Evie! The usual?"

"Yes please, Sam. Will you make it to-go?" Evangeline asked?

Sam only nodded and smiled, turning quickly to begin preparing her tea. Evangeline stepped to see what art adorns the walls. The cafe, which she learned was the Tea Bound Cafe, was home to the work of local artists, changing the art frequently in order to display new works regularly. She noticed that a landscape she had admired just two days ago had been replaced with a curious piece. It was a woman but she was not just a human. She seemed to be transforming, changing into a dragon. Her hair disappeared into the very fire her dragon form breathed, her arms disappearing under broad wings. Evangeline felt drawn to the piece. It was familiar, friendly, known.

As she continued to gaze, another patron idly bumped into her. "Oh, I am terribly sorry, I hope I didn't spill your drink?"

"You're in luck! I haven't even gotten my drink yet," Evangeline admitted. "I hardly even noticed, in fact. I was lost in this painting."

"Oh yes, I love that one. There's a rawness and a confidence that really pulls me in. Makes me feel like a dragon," the woman elaborated. She extended her hand out to Evangeline, "I'm Aoife. Let me at least buy your drink for the trouble."

Evangeline chuckled, "I'm Evangeline and no such luck still. It's the funniest thing. They expect you to pay before you get your drink. Isn't that just the darndest thing?"

Both ladies began laughing. Aoife glanced at her watch, "Oh shoot, I am running late to the bus. I have to dash. I'd really like to make it up to you. Maybe hand out sometime? We ladies can always use more friends."

Evangeline nodded, "I agree. In fact, I don't think we can ever have enough." With that, they exchanged numbers and sent one another a text. Aoife waved to Evangeline as she walked out the door.

"Evie! Your tea is ready," Sam said, prompting Evangeline to return to the counter. She thanked Sam profusely and made her way back to the door. Right before she pulled the door open, she indulged in the warm liquid. The smell was intoxicating, overwhelming all her senses. That tea was like magic for Evangeline. It left her feeling both invigorated and relaxed, simultaneously. And she would need it with Arual coming to visit.

Not too far away from the cafe, Aoife was at her bus stop near the corner where Evangeline's apartment was. Little did Evangeline know it was a stake-out point for her protection. Head down, Aoife pulled out her phone and fired off a single text: Contact has been made. All is well.

A few moments ticked by as Aoife looked at her surroundings. Not many people were at the bus stop, only an older couple with groceries by their side. She felt her phone vibrate in her hand and glanced down, predicting what the reply would be: Good-stay on her.


Evangeline rushed around her apartment, preparing for Arual's arrival. It was a little after 7 in the evening and she expected her any minute. She had gotten ready for their night on the town. Her blond hair had been swept back off her shoulders and pinned up. She had opted for long earrings that tickled her shoulders and no necklace.

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