Chapter 26

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For the next several weeks, Evie spent her time adjusting to life in the Cavern. Her days felt blurred, beginning her mornings with sparring and defensive training, afternoons with history and preparation for royal life. Her day was often punctuated by the work she was still completing for Hughes International, though King Henry was much more gracious with his deadlines now. As time passed, she grew stronger, more confident. She began to succeed in winning sparring matches and Ethelinda began to look for new partners.

Every night, Evie slipped away to the palace gardens, Marianne being the only one who would know out of happenstance. Every night, she lost herself in the world around her and worked on connecting with her dragon. Every night, she saw her dragon get stronger and stronger. Nightly, Evie would ask,"But why is that so important?"

Nightly, her dragon would explain. "As you strengthen mentally and physically in this form, so I am strengthened in your dragon form. It is how to prepare to shift."

One morning, Evie was rifling through some papers from work, realizing that she was missing some key financial documents to balance the quarterly report. She began to panic and search endlessly through her bag, her belongings and the envelope from the messenger to no avail. The search ate into her morning meal and edged into her training with Ethelinda. Finally, a knock came on the door and Marianne invited Ethelinda into her room. "What is going on, Evie?"

"I'm so sorry, Ethelinda. I just...I can't find a document I need for a financial report. I need it."

"So we'll go get it."

Evie stopped and looked up from the growing pile of papers on her bed. "We will?"

Ethelinda's nod was barely visible as she turned and asked Marianne to prepare for travel. In short succession, Evie was presented with several options for dress into the office. She thanked Ethelinda with her eyes. "We leave after lunch. You may want to see if they have any news on the break-in too."

Evie dialed the detective as Ethelinda left. Collecting her belongings and noting everything to gather, the detective confirmed meeting with her at Tea Bound Cafe in the mid-afternoon.

After lunch, Evie met Ethelinda at the elevator where she first encountered the Cavern. Stepping inside, she felt oddly nervous returning to a world she hadn't visited in a while. She thought of her parents, who she hadn't been able to contact and hoped to send a text as soon as they reached the surface.

"Don't worry. They know you're fine."

"Excuse me?"

Ethelinda turned, a knowing look in her eye. "Evie, we can't have human authorities looking for a missing person."

Evie stuttered. " they...what is happening?"

"Well, you made your reveal so we made ours. We made sure they have been supported and kept apprised of your wellbeing. Though they would love to get a text from their girl, I'm sure." Ethelinda winked at her as the elevator rose to the surface and Evie regained service.

Immediately, her phone began to chime at a furious pace. A voicemail from her parents, several texts from them, and several more from Ary. She opened the first one from her parents. We know everything. We miss you but know you are safe. Keep well.

"They're amazing, you know. Your parents." Ethelinda nudged and smiled at Evie as she left the elevator into the halls of the community center. Evie stepped out and paused to send them a text. Just hit the surface. I'm amazing and glad you are too. I love you both so much <3

Smiling, she saved the voicemail to listen to later, looking forward to hearing their voices. She moved to the messages from Ary and became alarmed. "Ethelinda, something's up with Ary."

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