Chapter 5

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The morning light came through Evangeline's window in soft rays, their delicate lines further blurred through the sheer curtains. It slipped across the floor and settled onto the bed, where Evangeline and Arual laid, still asleep. As it danced across her face, Evangeline began to wake, shielding her eyes from the ever-growing bright light. Slowly, she pushed herself up to a sitting position. She drew her arms over her head, stretching while a yawn reached her mouth. Evangeline rose to her feet and, tiptoeing, made her way downstairs and into the kitchen.

As she crosses the threshold into the brightly colored kitchen, Evangeline spots her mom hard at work, stirring a bowl. "Good morning, Mom. Whatcha makin'?"

"Oh, hey honey-bunny! How's my best college graduate?" her mom asked, smiling ear to ear. Baking mix was dusting her face and her clothing, her hands covered in whatever she was cooking. "I figured my two new adults needed a good meal to kick-off their adult lives. So, on the menu at Chez Charon we have pancakes, eggs, your choice of bacon and sausage, a full pot of coffee, and all the cream and sugar you need to fully wake up!"

"Wow, that sounds amazing! But what about the, uh..."

"Now, what kind of mother would I be if I forgot your favorite toppings? I have syrup for the more pedestrian of us but I also have berries, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup," she winked, "just in case."

Evangeline beamed and went to the counter, taking over stirring the pancake batter, while her mom busied herself with the rest of the spread. They settled into a comfortable silence as they worked, Evangeline occasionally glancing up to look outside the window over the counter. She could hear the birds singing as they welcomed the day.

The silence was broken by the swinging and closing of their screen door. Heavy footsteps were heard making their way to the kitchen. Evangeline turned to the door to see her dad coming in with Arual's dad, Mr. Coven. Both the men stood as formidable figures, but Evangeline knew she had nothing to fear. These were men who wouldn't hurt a hair on her head; only on the heads of those causing their loved ones pain and anguish.

"Good morning, Dad! Good morning, Mr. Coven! I'm sorry to say that Ary isn't up yet," Evangeline chirped while preparing to begin cooking the pancakes, the batter thoroughly mixed.

Mr. Coven's bright eyes met hers. "Well, Evie, that doesn't surprise me one bit about my Ary-girl."

As he spoke, Evangeline's dad made his way over and planted a soft kiss on her mom's lips, a secret smile shared between them. He then turned to Evangeline, wrapped her in a half hug and kissed the top of her head. "What can we do to help, ladies? It seems as though the kitchen is well-cared for."

"The table needs to be set, my dear," her mom said, her back still to the two men. "You know your way to the dishes."

Turning to Mr. Coven, Evangeline's dad smiled and chuckled, "I suppose that's our cue then, old man. Let's go set the table."

Evangeline watched her mom and her dad. As they left, her dad lingered at the door, glancing at his bride. His eyes were filled with love and adoration for her mom. Looking over at her mom at the stove, she saw a rosy color begin to spread across her face, as though she felt his gaze, though she never faced him. How Evangeline hoped this would be her world: peace, love, adoration, respect. The next thing she knew, her dad had vanished into the dining room and she began to hear the light clinking of plates and cutlery being placed on the table.

Her mom playfully elbowed her. "You might want to make sure Ary wakes up. If she sleeps too long, she won't have any food to eat," her mom advised. Evangeline nodded, placed the batter bowl down and made her way back upstairs.

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