Chapter 49: The Truth about Laila - Part 2

Start from the beginning

Until we finished our pastries and he motioned me to follow him to the fireplace, which provides some warmth because the nights here are very chilly.

I was hoping that he would tell me about this Laila person but he would evade the subject during our dinner and somehow I think he was not intending on telling anything.

Unless.....he thinks I am going to beg for it.

Well, I am not playing his game.

"It's late. I should be retiring for bed." I looked at the ornate wall clock that showed the time, which was four minutes until it strikes 11.

"It is still too early for sleeping." He laughed at my concerns. " Adults like us revel in the night. Surely you cannot be afraid to spend more time together if I request that you join me for a glass of wine." he said in a voice that was designed to entice my curiosity.

"I want to.....but.." I somehow felt something warm touch my shoulders and without turning around; I knew it was him.


His voice made me jump but the warmth reached my belly and I smiled. Leone is with me in this foreign place and that made me calm down.

"I will have to decline then. This Laila girl.. I will hear it from my fiance. I am sure he has a good reason to not divulge such a secret and I will wait until he is ready to tell me." I said to him.

The Danatian prince's expression was a raised eyebrow and a carefully veiled look.

Then he crossed the space between us in an instant and had a strong arm around my waist before he pulled me against him.

I fell and landed against his hard chest, my hands braced against him as I tried to pull away.

"Let me go." I looked up at him and I felt my heart stop when his face was so close, his lips a mere inch from my own. "No!"

Remembering K.C's words, I covered my mouth with my hands but he merely laughed darkly as his hands stroked my back and lightly caressed my nape, making me shiver as he lowered his mouth to my ear.

"I can see a bit of the reason why my cousin is so consumed by you. Every gesture and action is very sweet and innocent... like a woman who has just awoken to the heat of passion and sex." his words were low and husky. "The male in me can appreciate such freshness and I can tell my cousin is your first fuck."

I twisted away from him but since my hands were occupied with covering my lips, his hold was firm and I felt an unpleasant feeling crawl inside me when he stroked my back before he pulled me closer and I tried to knee him but he blocked my knee as it went up and held it up.

"I see you are feisty too." he dropped his hold on me and I stumbled back as he looked at the fire, his teasing expression was no longer present. "Very well then. Laila was a maid working at our hotel; By some twist of fate , she became Leone's and my former lover. She was also a contract but somehow....he became attached to her and so did I."

He then walked all the way to the fireplace in the center of the room and started feeding it with small chunks of wood.

"So Leone loved another? That is not something very drastic. I have had former beaus as well." the eerieness of the whole room was creeping me out before he faced me and gave me a pitiful smile.

"Not loved...He was physically compatible with her and wanted to fuck her brains out every time until he started thinking that he developed some feelings towards her. At this point, we can say he was deeply in lust and somehow the bitch also managed to hook her claws on me and she made me want her after my dear cousin shared her with me."

I shivered, the room suddenly went cold at what he was telling me. I really did not like who my lover was before he met me in our shared dreams; The feelings that now gripped me were doubt and I feel guilty.

"Finish your story. I am in need of some sleep; the jetlag still has not left me." I urged him on and he smiled at me rather nastily.

"She broke him even before he could tell her that he was starting to develop feelings for her. I was more fortunate since I did not let her claws sink that deep into me but I also felt betrayed because she used our connections to marry a man of means, unfortunately for me, her target was someone I did not expect." His hand reached out and gripped my jaw in a firm hold, his violet eyes glowed amidst the shadow of the dimly lit room. "My beloved cousin was a mess for a few years before he chose to concentrate on his life; We were both college graduates at that time we got involved with her and as far as I know. Leone tried to pursue her a few years after after his businesses took off but the moment that bitch rebuked him again even after he offered her a chance to come to him; He finally had enough and left her but the men in our family have strong sexual appetites so he still continued hisoractice of having contract lovers to slake his thirst but he took my advice of fucking them only. And it was a nice arrangement for both of us since we both love women. Until he met you."

I stared at him without flinching and he let go of me after we stared at each other for a long time. His gaze was amused but at the same time, there was a flash of emotion that was gone before I could point out what it was, it was gone.

"So where is Laila now? " I asked him and the prince merely shook his head. "Is she still in contact with you both?"

"Whatever happened to "asking your fiance?". Are you doubting his love for you now?" he asked me mockingly.

" A bit. However, Leone knows how skittish I am but I will always wait for him to explain before I come to any definite conclusion." I bowed to him. " thanks for telling me this. I bid you a goodnight."

I turned and had my hand on the doorknob when I felt him behind me and the door was slammed shut. Startled, I backed away only to be trapped by Kassim's bulk and arms.

"I did not give you permission to leave. In Danati; a female never leaves until the male host allows it. You should really read up duchess." his voice turned seductive, the pitch and tone of his voice sounded so much like Leone that I blushed.

"Very well then...Please allow me to leave." My voice was shaky but I did not show him that I was rattled.

His warm breath was against my ear and I flinched as I felt his arm around my waist, this time his touch was oddly gentle as he leaned and sniffed my hair.

"There is something about you....This innocence that you project perfectly.." he growled into my ear. "It can be..intoxicatingly tempting for any man who would want to protect you and have you in his arms. I am having these adulterous thoughts of ripping that dress of yours and just having my way with you here on the dining room floor."

I shivered at his words, feeling a bit dizzy and just as I was prepared to shove him again, a loud knock made both of us jump as the door opened.

Relieved, I thanked perfect timing as K.C's face remained neutral as she stared at Kassim and bowed.

"I came to pick up the duchess, your highness. Thank you for allowing her to leave."

Not even thinking, I pulled away from his hold and went to my friend who politely bowed and closed the door as we walked all the way to my room before our stiff postures loosened up.

"Was I on time?" my friend finally asked and I hugged her tight.

"Yes! he was really trying to test me and...he told me something about Leone's past lover. I guess Kassim is more critical of me because of her."

K.C shook her head and helped me prepare for bed since I cannot trust the female servants Kassim would send for they might be spies.

As I turned the bed cover while my friend left to change shifts with Amir; my mind wandered to Leone and the times he showed me how much he loves me.

The warmth that I have been feeling inside me was still there and somehow it gave me hope that he is still with me even though we were far apart now.

As I tried to sleep, something about Kassim's words made me wonder.

"Unfortunately for me, her target was someone I did not expect."

What did that statement even mean?

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now