Chapter 22 - Reasoning

Start from the beginning

"And for your drink?"

"Coffee. No sugar. No milk." He commanded and she nodded practically scurrying away with her notebook and the menus that we had been given.

"You like pure coffee?"

"Yes, it's as dark as my soul." He said while I rolled my eyes.

"That's such a clichè thing to say." I grinned.

"I don't do many clichè things. This is a once in a lifetime thing, my dear." He said with a small smirk.

I sighed, "If you say so."

"I do."

We remained silent for a few minutes. I was scanning the restaurants waiting to see all the implants he had set up to come with us. I spotted three by the bar, four at a nearby table and two by a booth opposite ours.

"Nine implants." I said.

"Implants?" He asked rather confused as he pushed his phone back into his blazer.

"Mafia men that belong to your family." I explained.

"Our family," He corrected, "Close there are seventeen."

"I only see nine," I said looking around the restaurant.

"There are two by the entrance, three on the roof and three scattered around with woman from the different schemes." He said as his eyes lingered around certain points at the room.

"That's clever." I said.

"I know." He said, "You have to be very smart with how you place them."

"These men are willing to die for you?"

"They are."

"Because of omèrta." I said thinking out loud.

He nodded remaining silent as he watched Morgan walk in. She placed both of our drinks in front of us before she practically run out of our booth.

"That and because we are family. We are important to each other and have our levels of importance." He explained, "Since I am the Don everyone will die for me and likewise with Francesca as she is my sister. The second class men are the second most important and there is only three men in this level. Dantè, Tristiaan and Trevor. They are highly trained and quite smart. They deal with other minor issues that don't need my help or authorization."

"That makes sense. Do you have any other siblings besides Francesca?" I asked as I leaned forward.

"I do. I have an older brother, Sergio. He runs our family alongside my father in Italy."

"So you guys operate in two countries?"

He shook his head, "We didn't. My father tried but failed as our family is bigger and stronger in Sicily. They need more planning and strategies so he wasn't able to expand. I then travelled here with Franny and we made sure that our family and empire thrives." He explained as he sipped his coffee.

"I guess that makes sense." I said with a small nod.

"Sorry I have to take this call." He told me as he pushed the green button on his screen.

"Good evening Father." He greeted.

I fiddled with the table mat as I watched him talk stoically into the phone. His face was straight the whole time.

"Le chiederò di essere la mia ragazza in pochi minuti. Sii paziente padre." He hissed as he ended the call.

[I will ask her to be my girlfriend in a few minutes. Be patient father.]

"Everything okay?" I asked using the straw to sip my drink.

"Peachy." He answered and I burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I absolutely did not expect to hear the word peachy come out of your mouth." I saod as Morgan walked in seeming slightly more relaxed and placed the food on our table.

"I have the freedom to say whatever I want." He shrugged.

I nodded, "Of course. Peachy just doesn't sound like something you would say." I explained.

"I see." He said.

"Would you like anything else?" Morgan asked.

"No." Vinchenzo said while I rolled my eyes at his manners.

"We don't need anything. Thank you Morgan." I said to her.

"Thank you ma'am." She said left us in peace.

We both ate our food in silence. I had my pasta with the white sauce that tasted amazing. Vinchenzo had ordered a steak with Greek salad and some fries.

"Did you like it?" He asked as I patted my mouth with the white napkin.

"It was lovely." I said.

Vinchenzo tapped the mini bell and Morgan rushed in.

"Can you get us some Tiramisu slices?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Right away sir."

"There is something I need to ask you." He told me.

"Ask away." I said.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked leaving me shocked and my mouth hanging.

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