Everything Is Very Confusing!

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The Next Morning was a very pleasant, That feeling you get when you wake up in the morning when the night had suffered a harsh falling. It's gives you a feeling that your terrible lives are gonna be better from now on. That is what the 3 princesses in the bedroom fast asleep until a certain knock woke the eldest.

Jisoo quickly woke up as if she has been awaiting that certain knock all night. She looked around to see if the other two princesses were awake but was relieved to see them sleeping peacefully with a smile on their faces.

She quickly got up, put a long scarf in her back as it was cold and went in her nightgown to the person standing on the other side of that door.

Shortly after another knock was heard but this one being very loud woke the second to eldest and the second youngest but thankfully Rose just moved to an other side as she was feeling uncomfortable. Jennie quickly got up and went along with that person too!

Forgetting is something that you shouldn't do very often. But of course you really can't help it! In this case, Jennie forgetting to close the door saved a knocking noise as a figure that was covered by a blanket was about to knock but found that the door was open and leisurely enters the cold room and found a beauty sleeping. That being of course out very own Rose.

Something about her made the unknown figure go near and closely examine her face. Tripping on something that wasn't seen, the unknown figure was then revealed and fortunate enough that princesses Rose can see it...


Hmm, I wonder the fate of this story. But as my reader i can no longer hold this back. This is not a real chapter.

Just a sneak peak on what awaits. But don't lose hope for this book as the treasure will be revealed to you soon.

——— To Be Continued ———

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