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The agony and fury on the battlefield caused the once pleasant and placid bright blue or pink skies to be a flaming red and orange. The screams of many people good or bad don't change the fact that it still people who are dying. It brought pain to the princesses.

 Never have they experienced such a harsh world. They felt bad that the princes had to grow up seeing people begging for their lives, crying, or screams in anger. They saw the cruel reality of this world way too soon. 

 Lisa was safe from all of it. It wouldn't be too good for her either way of her dark and unpleasant loss. 

She was fear-struck. If that was even a word. Her body froze as his voice echoed through the empty walls of her bedroom. 

"How foolish of your sisters to let you be here alone. This should be a piece of cake. The "imperial sword" or whatever you call it, is safe and sound away from me. I won't be dying anytime soon, I can assure you that. You think I didn't see that the eldest daughter had the real sword in her hands? Again. Foolish. You really thought you could trick me into all of the royals having the same sword? It was easy. Only the real sword shined." He said walking closer.#

 He was on the side of the bed, while Lisa was standing a bit far from the opposite side. 

Lisa's stomach gave curled proving how afraid she was. 

"Do whatever you want. I will not beg for mercy to a...murderer" Her eyes stood frozen. Black swarming into them. Leave it swirling a beautiful dark blue and black. Her eyes stood feirce. 

"Ah! There you are...I was afraid you had gotten weak ever since you fell in love." His mouth twitched. " I know how it is." He said. 

Lisa's mind went back to Valz's story. His wife...

"You really think she would be proud of you? Having a murderer for a husband? Worse. A father?" Lisa had gotten weak during her stay at the palace. 

So many confusions lost who she really was. She had to take on so many things, she almost forgot who she was. The girl who called the prince of fire, gay. The girl who is not afraid to kick someone in their Gronk. A person who can stay true to their feelings. 

Never once has she pretended to be who she was not. Talking to the antagonist of this story was not how she pictured this story to be. 

The prophecy clearly told they all were not going to make it. Lisa felt...

She felt...


A smirk grew on her face. She was tired of being the weak one. The one that always needed help.

"I was no such thing! You guys made me like that! It's all your fault! You people killed my child!!" His eyes got teary. 

"You...MONSTERS!" He yelled at her. Lisa's ears rang as she raised her hand to cover them. Anger covered his face. His face shaked as it turned red. And that's when Lisa knew....

The old Valz was long gone. He is just a monster who wanted to give in his blood lust.

He came in for the kill as he jumped over the bed striding towards her. Lisa was quick enough to move to the opposite side. 

His eyes turned black. There needed to be an opening in Lisa's skin for her blood to be under his power.  He grabbed a side knife and held it in his hand. 

Hidden to Lisa's vision, the knife slowly got in the perfect grip of his hand.

Lisa hands moved together creating a mysterious blue line. Slowly her magic got in the shape of a sword. Her eyes shown determination. 

BLACK WATERS ● a blacktan auWhere stories live. Discover now