Epilogue Part One

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His face ripped into ashes as the sword's metal burned him. They floated away. Lisa saw Valz as he slowly disintegrated into the air.

The sword clanked on the floor of the room, as Lisa slided down to the floor. She heard the door opening.

Jisoo and Jin rushed into the room and saw the mess. She immediately hugged lisa as Jin hugged the both of them. 

"It's all over now...It's going to be alright..." Jin comforted them both. 

[Back at the warfield]

Jennie was about to plunge her sword in the monster, when the monster slowly disintergrated. She dropped her hand down and stood there confused and looked around.

She wasn't only one. Whispers started to go through on why the mosters disappeared. 

"She did it..." Jennie gasped not believing what happened. The prophecy was wrong. She started crying in tears. 

"Jennie!" Her lover's yell came from across. Tears dripping down on his face. He opened his arms for her sniffling his cries. "Our happy ending might come true after all..."He said, as she rushed into his arms. Closing her within his arms, he felt as he was never going to let her go! 

Jungkook stood still coming down from the dragon. His minds were running from Lisa to Lisa. All he could ever think about was her. It was a bumpy path. From enemies, to friends, to lovers and...to soulmates.

Fire from his arms raised as he raised his arms up, clearing the sky. The war field was still, dusty with sand and blood from the fallen warriors. He looked around, his people wounded, crying from victory...and some lay dead. As the sheltered woman came out to see their husbands lying on the floor. They were not sad...they were proud. Pride coursing through their veins as the warriors fought to protect this once upon a placid nation, retain its natural state. 

Back on earth, it was a hard day for humans as well. No rain, No wind, Dried leaves, emptied lakes. It was a natural phenomenon. Slowly, the planet reganied it's color. 


The 11 got together at the cottage. Lisa broke into tears as she saw Jungkook walking with nothing but a head wound. 

"Jungkook-ah!" She scream as she ran into his arms, he lifted the feather-like girl with joy and happy tears, the others looked at the pair.

They really went through a lot...

"You saved us, Lisa!" He told her, patting her head to try and stop her from crying. "I- thought I would never see you again!" She scream into his shoulders as he chuckled.


Nai Nai and Grandpa Ray, entered.  Grandpa was in his battle attire and Nai Nai looked like she was also in war. 

"Nai Nai! You never told me you fought in the war too!" Rose exclaimed. "Tch, She didn't. She slept, that's why her hair looks like  she got out of the woods..." Grandpa told which ended up with him getting a knock on his head. 

"You crackpot old fool..." She addressed him.

"Grandpa...Your beard got fluffy in the hot weather." Taehyung teased. 

"Should....we see how the palace is..." Jisoo told grabbing their attention.  They moved out, fro their safety. But since, he is no more... 

"It should be safe." Jin announced. They went outside, to only witness horror. 

The land was ruined! The crops, the lake all baren dry. The schools crushed. The palace only half remaining still. 

"We need to relocate"  

And, the hunt began. Physia was ruined. It was in a sacred location. The 11 royals found out, that valz's ashes passed through the portals. It joined together to form monsters like himself. They would only be killed by the same metal. Humans were starting to spot the monsters. Through they have an incardo shield on them that protects them from the mortal eyes, mortal people can still die.

---To be Continued---

Hi babies...Ya'll miss me? 

Epilogue part 1, done!

Part 2 coming soon!

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