The Chest Is Opened

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I rush into our house and immediatly start packing for the journey , I see jennie and lisa heading up to the second floor , to mom's room maybe

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I rush into our house and immediatly start packing for the journey , I see jennie and lisa heading up to the second floor , to mom's room maybe . " rose' , I want you to go and get the emergency suitcase , in that there are the important documents like our birth certificates , passports and emergency money although I'm not sure if we need it in physia or whatever that place's name is. " I said hurrying up to my room to get suitcases. At this point , all I wanted to do was keep my sister safe . I started packing evreything including our clothes even though jennie's take a while , I managed to finish it. Rose' came out with suitcase and she suddenly crouched to the ground holding her hand to her neck.

" What happend? Are you hurt ? Hit yourself?" I bombarded her with all the questions I can ask . " My neck , it's burning and I can't handle the pain" She said close to tears and all I could do was wait till the pain goes away . I take a look at her neck to is like freshly burned skin , but it looked like a shape . A sun . Why was a sun burned on her neck? Just I was about to touch it jennie and lisa came running to the table . 

" Sis , let me see your neck " Jennie told and removed the hair covering the right side of my neck . Her reaction was just shook . I see Lisa and Jennie have marks too , but theirs was a crescent moon with an eye in the middle . Lisa dropped the rusted old suitcase on top of the table , and takes a look at the cloak . Its 9:40 . " We don't have much time , let us think about these marks later because in another 3 hours and 20 min Lisa will turn 18 . First , let's open this rusted lock that is on the box . " I said going to the tool box and grabbing a hammer . 

Jennie is holding the suitcase so that it won't move , and Lisa and Rose' are standing as far as possible . " For the love of chicken , PLEASE BRAKE APART !!" And without I smash the hammer into pieces . Everybody loves chicken , It's a worldwide fact! The younger ones come hurrying over to the suitcase and Lisa goes ahead and opens it . 

" And just like mom said , it's there" Rose' said pointing to the yellow scroll and a red velvet box . Jennie takes the box while Lisa takes the scroll . Opening the box , is where we found a beautiful medallion. " It looks like it belong to royalty ...." Jennie said inspecting the medallion.

" Jennie said inspecting the medallion

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" Guys , this is weird..." Lisa said looking at the scroll . " What's weird?" I ask going over to her followed by jennie and Rose'. I look at the paper , it's blank. " please don't tell me our lives are dependant on a medallion and a blank damn paper!" Rose' said sulking . " Then what about the stone portals , where do we find it?" Jennie asked . With that , " Guys .... the scroll , its-its changing" Lisa said hurrying over to the table and placing it flat down . 

" It's a map , just like mom said"




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