Opportune Marooning | Spifey

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Warning: sad boi hours
I recommend you listen to Level of Concern by Twenty One Pilots while reading, its very relevant heheh

You were sat down at an awkwardly high stool trying to squirm around to find the right position, the blinding light in front and the sides intimidating you more than it should.


Gripping the edges of your seat to balance yourseld, you laughed loudly at the sight of Spifey behind the cameras cheering you on as everyone else in the room looked at him incredulously. A flash and a shutter sound brought you back to how you got here.

You're currently in the UK. And yes, yes, it's a very bad time to be out right now and even tho Trump said it wasn't something to be worried about- everyone with brain power knew it should be a thing to worry about. But despite your will to stand by your stance you had already agreed last year even before corona was a thing.

You see Twitch invited you and a couple of huge streamers to London for a photoshoot for the upcoming Twitchcon 2020. It was an early promotion and teaser kind of thing that they wanted to be ready for. They promised to pay for your airplane trip and host a European meet and greet for extra exposure.

To be fair you were already roped in since the beginning, you can't refuse now especially with your huge role in the marketing of the event.

"So are you some kind of titty streamer?" You just stepped down from the white screen studio, adjusting the sleeve of your vintage outfit (Twitch recommended it, as part of the Londonian feel) when the girl besides you suddenly spoke such a horrendous comment.

"What?" You mumbled like a fool, immediately looking around for anyone they might be referring to instead.

She scoffed. "Surely that's the case, you don't really have the uh looks for fame unless you had more makeup on." Pokimane looked you up and down before shaking her head with a pitiful smile on her face. "Which makes me wonder why you were chosen as the main face of the campaign."

Your cheeks were already heated up from the earlier confrontation and now you couldn't even muster a proper reply as the embarrassment continues to melt your brain.

The famous Twitch streamer quirked her eyebrow at the amusing display and she would have continued her barrage if not for the hand that suddenly touched your shoulder. "Oi, what the fuck you trying again, woman? Leave the girl be." A thick accent came from your left that you recognized immediately.

"Omg, (N/N), what the heck? You got 1.5 million followers in less than a year!" Suddenly next to your other side a petite girl commented, bumping shoulders with you.

Minx and Sonja were one of the first streamers you met in Twitch. And they stuck around despite the fact that you hadn't collaborated with them in quite a while, congratulating you on your mini celebrations while you try your best to keep in touch with the few girl friends you had.

"I really liked your panel last 2019, it was really heartwarming. I didn't expect you to even mention us but aww-"

"Wait, she had a panel in San Diego?" All three of you turned your head to Poki, her looking offended over the speed everyone had forgotten about her presence there. You didn't really know what her deal was - although you may or may not have refused to collaborate with her multiple times before. "And wasn't that your loud boyfriend from earlier?"

Confused, you followed her look to a far off direction as you see George/Spifey talking to another female you don't recognize. Based on the way she's dressed, she's not a staff. "Won't you look at that, he's already found a substitute for you awww," you looked at the famous streamer with an exhausted expression, trying to explain that there wasn't anything between you and Spifey.

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