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I know some of you had already realized this by now, but I've stopped working on this story fully. I wanted to address this as a proper closure especially since some of the new readers had been asking about the continuation and I didn't want to crush their hearts (and those of the future's) by making them hope.

While the real reason for my discontinuity is my lack of motivation and college stopping my streak from ever coming back to this, I also felt unsafe continuing my works in Wattpad. As some of you may know, especially the readers that had been here since the beginning, a chapter in this story (the Fundy one) had been plagiarized by a user in this same site.

This honestly occurred TWICE but I was not able to see the first incident because it was deleted before I got to read Wattpad's notice on it. However, theorizing that this is the same perpetrator, had devised an elaborate story behind their secondary repost as to tag it as NOT plagiarized.

The probable reason that their work has yet to be taken down is because they chopped up my work and inserted some of their writings in between.

I know I'm not the only one who had the idea obviously, but copying the work word for word and inserting your words is STILL considered plagiarism. If you run their work on a plagiarism checker, the paragraphs would be tagged and would show my work as the first result. If this was college yo, you're already in court, man.

I have never worked or shared an account with anyone, whether it be Wattpad or any other sites. I've joined this site since 2013, and started Eudaimonia on August 2020. Fundy's chapter was published in August 14th (but this may be earlier because I edited it due to a bug), and I received the first story's report on October 12.

You might wonder, 'hey author, you already had a lot of reads, can't you just let this one go? they won't reach your level of reads anyways' or 'this is already so long ago, why still bother about it?' I asked this myself but first of all, copyright is something you should respect in all sense, even if you're young you shouldn't start getting used to violating the law. And although it has been a while since this started, Wattpad had made no action on the new case, and I fear as tho the possibility of my other works already being plagiarized is not so far from it.

I love writing and I want to make sure that the work I put all my time and effort to is enjoyed and seen the way it should be. I fear that one day, when the readers of that work spot this story, they would think I was the one that plagiarized. And the thought of that is really scary and repulsive.

This story had brought back my motivation to write and everyone who supported (and are still supporting this work) had helped me grow, and I'm still thankful for that. But this place is not safe anymore in terms of intellectual property, and I could only resign myself to a new medium to protect my rights as an author.

Many of you would be disappointed upon reading this and I understand, I too would have been devastated cheering for a series only for it to be cut off. And I'm really sorry for that. And to those that were motivated to make your own stories through this work, godspeed, I'm happy for you guys and I hope you enjoy the experience through and through.

Thank you again, and may all good things come to you.

- Author

(The remaining story outline would probably be posted after this for those who are curious.)

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