DEVelopment | Sapnap

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It was a clear day in Houston, Texas this Tuesday morning.

Despite the niceness of it all, however, your face gave way to just how stressful the day is for you.

Twitch streamer (Y/U) was nowhere to be found. The chaotic and rising-to-stardom internet persona gaining 900,000 followers isn't in action today, no. This random Tuesday in November needs to be faced by (Y/N) (Y/LN), the normal everyday girl with a water bottle in hand and her small bag hanging on her shoulder. Unlike the prestigious smile that's always visible on her face cam, the dainty crease from her frown was plastered on her face as she looks at the building in front of her.

Now you may wonder, what is going on? Why am I, the reader, not happily snuggled in my airconditioned room playing Minecraft and getting more simps? Well, the answer is simple-

It's your exam day, woman.

Houston Community College looms over you, its towering building shadowing you from the light the morning was supposed to give. You were an hour or so early than your schedule due to circumstances you didn't want to admit out loud. You see, you were part of the online/hybrid program and thus most of your classes had been inside your own apartment.

You were hoping to come here early to search for your examination room seeing as you barely know this place, but you don't even have a clue on where to start. You don't even have a map of the building, and there were barely any humans around because of your earliness.

"This is so frustrating," you mumbled under your breath as you walked around the empty halls of the campus. Even if you did cross paths with other students, you were still reluctant to engage in conversation, fearing they might give you a look. And when you do gather the courage to finally approach, you end up getting interrupted by other things. You were so damn hopeless, you wish your mother was here. And soon enough the big crowds would come and flood your safe space.

"You okay?" A soft voice echoed behind you while you were spacing out in the middle of a totally new hallway. You stiffened for a bit before turning around to your brave savior, a look of absolute relief on your face. "Uhhh-"

"Absolutely not," the boy blinked in response. "I'm sorry, I'm like, hella lost right now. Please tell me you know this place better than I do."

Past his confusion, your only companion managed to let out a chuckle, and you swear it was just as smooth as you'd expected. Adjusting the bag slung over his shoulder, the Texan offered a smile and a friendly handshake, "I may be able to help you, I'm Nick, by the way."

With the assurance of aid, you gladly took his hand, a relieved smile on your face as you introduced yourself.

Nick was a bit skeptical about this whole situation. He wasn't even sure why a girl, presumably a student like himself, can't find her way around the campus she studies in. Surely, with a semester in already and about to end you'd have known where your classes would be. Not to judge either, but he didn't want to think a person had that such POOR directional sense. But he was a gentleman and a gentleman ready to help either way.

"I assume you're here for your finals too right?" A nod. "Do you know what building you have to go to at least?"

"Erm, yeah," you fumbled as you took out your phone to check the email your advisor sent yesterday, "Scarcella Science and Technology Center?"

Nick blinked in suprise. "Oh neat, that's where my exam room is too." In his head he finally connected a few of the dots causing him to be more excited over the conversation. "Does that mean you're also part of the Computer Programming course?"

The glint in your eye confirmed his theory, and you both matched each other's wide smiles.

As you made your way to the building, you and Nick talked a bit more about each other like immediate friends. He informed you that he was also there for a Computer Programming course, already in his second year. Not only does he look quite nice but his grades aren't bad. "Weird, even if we had classes in the same building, I've never once seen you before."

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