Cooking Special | BadBoyHalo

13.1K 380 388

BadBoyHalo donated $10!
What are you cooking? :0

The donation showed up around 30 minutes after you went live for your 100,000 Twitch followers celebration stream. In all honesty, you had no idea why you did this instead of your usual video game streams, but you wanted a chill time to spend more time interacting with your audience than continue with the usual play games routine for a supposed to be special moment for you.

Tucking a stray hair behind your ear as you listen to the bot's monotone reading, you set down the knife on your hand and look up to your laptop that faced you on the counter. The stream seem to had gained an additional thousands of watchers within a second after BadBoyHalo showed up, filling the chat with comments like:

BBH raid
Oh BadBoyHalo is here
Raid taid raid raid
Bald boy

And many more of the last message. You laughed, leaning down awkwardly to look at the laptop camera as you responded, "Thanks for the donation, BadBoyHalo! I'm cooking beef teriyaki for the duration of the stream while answering some questions." In response, the boy himself responded 'Ohhhh' in the chat, more comments sparking up as the interaction continues. Thank goodness you had slow mode on. You continue chopping the green bell pepper as safe as you can, swiftly talking with the audience about your next plans after this stream, as well as talking about old stuff to introduce the brand new viewers to your content.

You're mainly a Twitch streamer that does mostly games you enjoy and other sprinkle of randomness when you want to take a break and just, you know, chitchat with your followers. Most of your subscribers are males, simps, but you love them anyways even tho sometimes they get a bit out of hand. The female side of your followers are the nicest ones you've met, they are wholesome and very honest in supporting you, to the point that a majority of your moderator team are females. This was one of the rare times you didn't do either a gaming stream or casual stream talk. You're not exactly the best at cooking, but you're also not the type to actually burn down a whole damn house. It would be really silly to do a cooking special and only fry food so you wanted to try this nice recipe your viewers suggested, which is just perfect since it wouldn't take too long or too fast to cook, forcing you to awkwardly end the stream at a weird boring time.

BadBoyHalo subscribed!

AverageJoe99 donated $20!
(Y/UUU), how do you know BBH? Feels betrayed man

Putting the chopped meat into the pan, you whipped around to look at the laptop, raising a brow in confusion at the turn of events. BadBoyHalo is still in the stream? Usually when stream raids happen, that's after the streamer has finished their own stream and would have exited Twitch to take a break or edit more videos. The fact that he was still there, actively listening and chatting too, was a huge miracle. Picking up your laptop to put nearer you, you see the stream chat talking nicely with each other, realizing how Bad was enjoying talking to other people that barely knows him. Especially his memes. "I actually haven't talked to him before," sighs of relief show up in the chat, "But I know him! I watch a lot of his Minecraft videos and streams, I suggest you guys check him out too in your spare time!"

'Oh my goodness!' Darryl thought to himself at the other side of the stream, giggling giddily with a smile on his face as he readied another donation as a thank you. He didn't expect to be watching and actively participating in someone else's stream, especially on a streamer he barely even knows, but knows him! It was a nice, new scenery to his stressful audience that does nothing but troll him or spam endless memes! The stream had already marked its one hour timestamp, making it known that he has been watching for 30 minutes now.

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