Elysian | Dream

13.8K 318 379

(adj.) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect

Usually on stream by now to celebrate with a community of one of the nicest and wholesome fandoms in Twitch, the day starts with an (missing word here lol) morning: entering MunchyMC.

It was currently the month of September, two months passing after your first and last game in Minecraft Monday. Within that time frame, your channel (Y/U) rose up to 400,000 followers and your fans were waiting for a long overdue celebration. You couldn't post a 300,000 stream back August for reasons still unknown to your fans. Today you wanted to compensate for that absence, thus the reason for your presence in this server today.

In another side of the server, a lime green man was jumping around waiting for time to pass. This once-admin of the server had been logged in waiting for the same man as you. He was in the development of a new video for his Minecraft Unsolved Series, and as per tradition, he wanted to record with Badboyhalo for a little segment of it.

He also would like to congratulate his old friend in his 300k subscriber milestone.

Dream had sent Bad a message yesterday about it and was hoping he could find time today. Although he heard something about a recording happening today in MunchyMC, so he figured the quickest route to find him would be there. And so here he was.

Entering the lobby and idly parkouring around, he had noticed a username with MEDIA rank in the chat also looking for Badboyhalo. (Y/U). That name seemed very familiar to him despite the fact that he had never seen that username flash in the chat before, not even before he quit being the admin of this server.

While waiting, you had realized your idle character has gained lots of attention in the lobby, where unfamiliar characters started crowding around you. Standing still, crouching- oh they're taking screenies. You made your character crouch too, and a few seconds later they were jumping around you, thanking for the screenie. Some of them you recognize as your fans from Twitch, frequent followers that are usually in the live chat, and you were enjoying just watching their unique skins they were ever so happy to share the inspiration to you.

One skin in particular stood out on the crowd the most: a lime green body with a white, straight faced blob on it. What the actual muffin was that (oh Badboyhalo is doing good at infecting you) and why is that a thing? You laughed as you crouched again, the player in question also asking for a screenie.

"Heard you were looking for Badboyhalo too?" Was the guy's conversation starter.

"Yeah, supposed to stream with him today, hbu?" When the crowd cleared, you went around to explore the area once again, trying out the floating parkour area in which you failed before you even reached the first block. Dream typed out his laugh in all caps, knowing full well he saw your pathetic attempt.

"Was supposed to do a quick video with him today, he might still be sleeping for all we know."

To kill time with your new companion, Dream insisted on giving you a tour around the server more, explaining how he was an admin before and had coded some of the plugins for it. Because their coder was ignoring him that time, pushing him to learn about coding himself. It was incredible, more so when you found out that he has a channel where he makes challenges out of his code ideas, he was surely talented.

"Hello? Dream, you there?" During your interaction, socials were exchanged between you two and now instead of awkwardly waiting for each other to type a long ass reply, you figured it would be nicer to talk in voice chats.

"I'm here, I'm here," he has such a nice voice you didn't expect from his Minecraft skin. "Can you hear me?"

"Oh, yes, hi! This would make things much easier ahaha." Relaxing back to your chair since you wouldn't have to hover over your keyboard anymore, you continued your talk with your newfound friend.

"You're amazing, you already have so many followers on Twitch. And you just got me as a follower."

"Oh please, you didn't have to do that! My streams aren't even that enjoyable!"

"I'm sure 500,069 people would say otherwise."

"I'm sure in the future, you'll surpass my follower rate. You have such amazing ideas, you'd be the new standard for Youtube content!" He had just briefed you about his series that he wanted to record with Bad, his Minecraft Unsolved where he explains about the mystery behind duplicate accounts. It was such a cool concept and hearing the information firsthand before release had you so intrigued and entertained. You felt ashamed of being a content creator, despite only able to do live streams in Twitch since that was your main platform, and wanted to give him credit for his outstanding idea.

In your musings you didn't realize that Dream was silent, only humming in response to your barrage of compliments, not able to form proper words else his voice cracks. His face was so flushed, a red tint dusting over his cheeks besides his freckles. He wasn't known for wide viewership yet, with only 200,000+ subscribers and he was still feeling hopeless that his channel hasn't skyrocketed on his prior start. And here was a major Twitch streamer who keeps getting hundred of thousands of following in such a quick rate, endlessly complimenting his work. This interaction, although unexpected was enough to rejuvenate him in his one year plan once again.

"Thank you." The man in question finally spoke after a while of awkward silence. He sounded so meek, so soft, unlike his earlier strong voice and airy wheezes. You almost missed his words but now you too were flustered. Did something happen? Was he uncomfortable? Maybe you said some things that were out of bound- "I'm gonna be successful in YouTube just like you are on Twitch. And when I get there, I'll make sure that we're still friends, you're a huge inspiration, (Y/U)."

Now you're the speechless one. You cupped your cheeks that slowly comes into hue, as you whined to Dream about how he was being too much, that you barely did anything besides give small ideas and compliment him. Credit which he definitely deserves. This boy is too good of a sweet talker.

"Awww, the (Y/U) who destroyed Technoblade in Minecraft Monday has been exposed! Weak to compliments-"

"Nuuuh, shuddup, Dream or else we're not friends anymore!"

"Whaaaat, that's so meaan. We don't even know each other's names and you're already threatening our friendship!"

"Oh, my name is (Y/N)."

"Mine's Clay, don't like it that much."

"That's a pretty unique name tho. Well friendship ended with Clay, now Techno is my friend." You both wheezed before a familiar robotic voice interrupted your musings.

User joined your channel.

"(Y/U)!! Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, muffin! I woke up so late, my alarm didn't go off- oh hey Dream- and now I'm an hour late to setting up! Wait, Dream????"


You were laughing hysterically from the turn of events, laughing at Bad's jumbled mess of a self. You basically had your hand clamped around your mouth to stop you from deafening them with your loud laughter, Bad frustrated yet so flustered, while Dream was laughing with you.

Despite the fact that you just ditched your followers with a promised stream, you met a really cool friend without breaking a sweat. What time doesn't tell you is that this chapter of your life will age very well in the future. But for now, you just enjoyed your time laughing at Bad's confusion without a care in the world.


I'mma be honest, this wasn't the best one I've made ahaha. I guess this is also some type of introductory chapter for the DreamTeam uwu

Thank you so much for the support this story has been getting lately!!

Credits to @laikoski_ from Instagram for the chapter cover!

Eudaimonia | Minecraft Youtuber x Reader SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now