Chapter 11: The Final battle

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Sans's P. O. V

I told them I have to find Our Ink, they nodded before I teleport to wall. I don't know where am I but I don't care. 'I'ʅʅ ɱҽҽƚ ყσυ ιɳ ƚԋҽ ϝιɳαʅ... Sαɳʂ...' His voice echo in my thoughts. "We'll win this. I'm sure we'll win this battle." I said to myself in a confident away.

'if we lose... He'll ruled every dimensional.' De. X. E's voice in my thoughts too. We need a plan to stop him but first, like I said. I have to find Ink. What the hell he be? "Look! A meteor shower!" I heard a monster's voice before I looked at the beautiful sky. It's beautiful, I looked at it sadly but smile once I saw my first meteor shower, I sighed, wishing Paps can see this.

"Well, well. Is this an imposter? Or a visitor from outer space?" You got to be kiddin' me!! Another me!! I started to sweat dropped. I look at another version of me. "Hey, don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around... And shake my hand." He said before I smile nervously. "Ok." I responded before I turned around to greet him with a whoopee cushion.

But didn't notice there's also whoopee cushion in his hand trick until. A very big fart noise making everyone shocked like who's fart is that? I think the other mes and the nice demon hedgehog and his sidekick must heard this too.


They heard a large fart making everyone a 0_0' face. "I think... That's Outer and classic Sans's whoopie cushion when they greeting together." Daybreaker said nervously before some of them said 'yeah' or 'ah i see'.

Back to me,

"Well, that was unexpected, heh." Other me chuckled. "Uh... Do we know each other?" He asked me. "The name's Sans, just in case." Well duh, he's other me. "It would take me a while to explain and I'm actually kinda in a hurry." I told him. "Have you see someone like both of us but wearing a different outfit?" I asked him.

He thinks first if he saw Ink then he answered. "Nope, sorry friend. I could a look around though. It's my lunch break, so let's go." Other me said, before pet my shoulder and we walked around this weird place. "My brother, Papyrus, has been insisted a lot on human will son get here."

He talked about his Papyrus training by Undyne before I stop. "Lucky." I said. "Who, me?" He asked before looking at me. "The stars, you can see them all the time." I answered before he look up at the beautiful sky.

"Really? I mean... It would be sad if anyone had to conform with, dunno... Artificial ones or something like that." He explained. "Trust me. Not everyone out there has a chance to have something like this. They would dare to take your place and steal your happiness." I told him truly.

"Well, the sky is big for everyone." Other me said. "Anyone is always welcome. After all, I'm not the owner of this place." He added, but sadly. 'Not until your turn into it by accident.' I thought before he snapped me away.

"Hey, who's that creature over there?" He asked me before I look at it before I shocked. Oh no, it's him again. "Sonic. E. X. E." I whispered. "Sonic, who what now?" He asked before I put my index finger on my mouth. "Why are you afraid of him?" He asked before pointing at me making me worried.

"Let me explain a bit, that's is Sonic. E
X. E, one of the most famous and dangerous killer in history. We don't wanna get by him, would ya?" I explained him, yes I kinda know about him a bit, before shocked and shook his head. "Then, let's get out of here, slowly and quielty." I told before we walked away slowly.

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