Chapter 5: Overwrite by Sonic.E.X.E? & the very dark secret about her old Sanses

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Uv Dream's P. O. V

We're ready for the battle except... Chara and me... Why? Well, my brother doesn't what me to die... Right in front of him and I have to protect Chara. "No brother, let me help you!!" I cried and begging him.

"No, I don't want you to get kill by them. Go take care of Chara, okay?" I nodded that what he said before I sighed in defeated. "I just wanna help..." I whispered as I stood next to Chara protecting them.

I change my staff into daggers just in case if someone trying to hurt us. Daybreaker summoned a scythe for my brother. "Hey, Uv Nightmare, catch!" He shouted threw it at him before my brother caught it.

"Thank." My brother said. The cowboy doll run toward to Moon, Cross and Uv Cross using his knife but strike by their bones. 'Is he dead?' I asked myself before he glare at them before he took out the bones and threw them away.

"How he isn't dead?!" Uv Cross asked. "Well... An E. X. E can not be kill unless if there's an hacker who try to hack the E. X. E away..." Cross explained before he blocked the cowboy attacks. "Is there another way to kill him?!" Swapy asked before blocking the yellow sponge attack using his gaster blasters.

"... I don't wanna say this but... We have to delete them." Darkbreaker said before dodged the pony claws attack. "That's the good things right?!" Brother asked. "Yes... But the problem is... We... Don't have the delete button." Daybreaker said.

"What!? Why?" Uv Blueberry asked before Sonic. E. X. E almost slice his arm and his arm grow again, making Blueberry groan. "Darn!!"

"It's, not the time." He said before trying slice the pony's head but missed. "Mıss ɯǝ~" She said before cutting his both arms. "Daybreaker!!" I shouted before Chara hugged me tears on their cheeks.

Daybreaker looked his arms. He sighed before his arms been created. "Wanna play dirty? Then let's play." He said as he summoned his boomerang and threw it making it slice her claw. "Mʎ ɔlɐʍ!!!" The pony cried.

Her gangs shouted her name. I think it's Rainbow dash. E. X. E or Rainbow. E. X. E. Our lnk looked at them but do he knows that a bloody bear was behind him trying to kill our Ink using his sharp claws?

I quickly started shout "Ink looked out!!" Ink turned around to see the bloody bear and quickly splash him using his paintbrush. "Thanks Dream." Ink thanks me before I smiled in responded. "Sonic. E. X. E! Don't you see?!" Daybreaker asked making Sonic. E. X. E laughed a bit.

"Pϝϝƚ- ʂҽҽ? Sҽҽ ɯԋαƚ!?" He asked. "... The real Sonic was crying for help, inside of you." Daybreaker finally spoke making him shocked. "Wԋ–" He cut him off. "He called– No, cried for help. Wishing this it's all over..."

Wow, I didn't this. Sonic. E. X. E starting speechless and... Non-bloody tears on his cheek. "Wԋყ... Wԋყ am I ƈɾყιng?" He whispered to himself before sniffing or sobbing. "... Why?... Why did you ԃσ ƚԋιʂ ƚσ ɱҽ!?!" He asked angrily cover hear ears.

He growled angrily until he summoned a button... It's... Is that. "No way, it's a overwrite!! How the hell did you get that!?" Our Cross asked angrily. Sonic. E. X. E smirked. "Lҽƚ'ʂ ʝυʂƚ ʂαყ, ƚԋιʂ." He answered using his deep and scary voice back making me shiver to my spine, showing a vial that looks like Ink holding all the time.

Ink gasped and looked at his pocket before pulling out. It's still there? "You took other Error's Ink vial!! Without even knowing!?" He shouted at him. Sonic. E. X. E laughed insanely. "Lҽƚ'ʂ ʂҽҽ ɯԋαƚ ƚԋιʂ Ⴆυƚƚσɳ ƈαɳ ԃσ." We tried to stop him but it was too late. He already click it before everything changed.

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