Chapter 4: Having 'Fun' in Underswap & the truth behind about Aqilah's Sanses

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Ink's P. O. V (not Underverse Ink)

I feel bad for Error and Uv me. It's just that... Error always right and never wrong. I was so, so stupid without my soul. I even threw that vial away, that... That to prevent me from being stupid.

I sighed as I laid down and take a nap.

Uv Ink's P. O. V

I was painting Fell's arm after that Error's friends incident. Sigh, I was kinda curious... Will I end up... Like that, I mean it's very sad and a broken heart at the same time... I shook my head to forget everything.

"Alright. Now you look like you were painted, heheh!" I said after I finished paint Fell's arm. "Well, now you can hide away from your brother the rest of your life."

"Uh... Actually... I don't." He said. "Edgy me wants to come with us. He's afraid of being alone, and he wants to give De. X. E kick butt for humiliating." Sans explained. "Hey!" Fell shouted.

"R-Really? Woah! We'll be like a team. I think that... I think that, I'm getting excited right now!" I said excitedly while happy tears on my sockets as I hold my puke. "Oh no, he's gonna throw up..." Sans said as I starting to puke ink while Fell looked at me in disgust.

"What the heck is wrong with you!?" He asked me after he took a step a side after I puked. "You'll get used to it." Sans said. "Hey Ink, where are we going now?" He asked. Oh no, I kinda forgot about it after I puked.

"I... Eh... Kinda forgot which AU Dream or.. De. X. E could head to..." I said. "Really... You forgot!?" Fell asked angrily as Dream's voice. "I do." He said. "Dream, is that you?" I asked I'm not sure if he's my friend. "Yes, it's me, and if I can't go with you, then my brother and I will look other me and... That weird blue monster who has bloody gloves to kill someone." Dream said. He's here and wait a minute...

"Wait... Nightmare joining you?!" I asked him if he said was true. "Yes, now, he's now overprotective me. Because there's an incident of the illusion of me that... Um.. Disappear with him." He said as I hummed in responded.

"Dream... Thanks you. Please tell me everything you know." I thank to him. Oh now I remember... They're in Underswap... Underswap.... Oh no.

Dream's P. O. V

Sonic. E. X. E teleported away to I-don't-know-where-he-go as I opened the door and saw nothing except there's a couch. Looks like the barrier was broken.
"Gɹǝɐʇ... Noʍ ʍɥɐʇ?" De. X. E asked. "Nothing to do except teleported to the city." I said as I teleported to the city.

I hide behind the box where Uv Cross hide. I hope that Swapy didn't notice me– "WELL, WELL. TAKING A BREAK ON YOUR WORK SHIFT, LITTLE BRO?" Oh sh*t!! He notice me. "OH! SoRRY. I MISTOOK YOU OF MY BROTHER... YOU LOOK A BIT LIKE HIM..." Swapy apologized.

"I NEVER SEE YOU AROUND HERE... WHATEVERWHATEVER, NICE CUSTOM, THOUGH HALLOWEEN IS OCT-OVER, Buddy. Nyeheheheh." He said while making a pun made De. X. E annoying. "Noʍ? Cɐu ʎon?" De. X. E asked. I shook my head at him.

"I can see you're tired. You're lucky,  I've found a taco shop nearby." He said. "So, I brought some for my brother, but I can share one if you want." He wants to give the bag of taco to me. I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry... Or tired." I said. "Hey you two! Stop wasting your time and come here to help!" We heard Alphys yelled. "I like your new look, Sans." Napstatot said. I pouted at him but sighed.

"NAH, HE'S NOT MY BROTHER, NAPSTATON. HE'S INTERESTING, LITTLE BUDDY." Swapy said as he petted my head as everything went glitch. This place... Looks like Sonic. E. X. E and... Freddy. E. X. E put it's a bit split and also... It's before they become like this.

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