Chapter 2: Having 'Fun' in Underfell

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Drawing by me

Sorry if this is kinda.... Well... You know... Ugly.

Uv Dream. P. O. V

I can sense negative in my old AU I went there as I saw my brother... Is he crying? I walked toward him slowly as I pet his shoulder. "Brother, are you alright?" I asked. He look at me as he hugged me, this.. Kinda made me shocked but he hugged back.

"Don't leave me Dream, please don't." He whispered. I pet his back as I responded. "Ok, I won't leave you alone, I promise." I can heard his sniffing. "Brother, what's made you cry?" I asked.

"It's okay, if you don't want to—" Before I finish my sentence, he cut me off. "... That... That you're gone. Disappear with him... Saying that I'm a liar, that I still care about you... *sniff*. You realized, you protect me... Was for nothing... Nothing.... You said... The only to make me happy is making disappear... *sob and sniff* please Dream don't go with him." He explained.

"Brother... It's just illusion or a bad Dream... It's not real." I said, petting his back, making him feel better. He keep apologizing what had he done. "Brother, it's not your fault for making you like this." But... It's kinda like real." He said. "Like I said it's just illusion or a bad dream." I told him.

He nuzzled my neck while closing his eye. I think, that Dream. E. X. E or Ink call him De. X. E making him a bad Dream. "Brother.... Can you let me go–" "No! I won't let you." He cut me off, still not letting me go. I shook my head at him as I tried to me go if his grip but failed.

"Brother, if you let me go, you can help me to find that other me who trying kill us and rule the world, everything will be back to normal. How about that?" I asked him. He hummed in responded as he finally let me go. "I promise I'll protect you from him and never let you go." He said, making me sighed but oh well. At least he's kinda back to himself. Not his form but act.

I really missed him so much.

Sans's P. O. V

I fell asleep on the ground. "Psst! Hey, Sans, wake up!" I heard Ink whispered but I ignore him. "ZZZ.... Just 5 more minutes..." I said while hugging the snow.... Wait... Is this...!? I jolted as I stand up quickly. "WOW WAIT A MINUTES IS THIS SNOW!? WHERE ARE WE THIS PLACE CAN'T BE!!..."

I have many questions in my thoughts. "Pfft— Come down, pal, this is not your snowdin." Ink said. "Welcome..... To Underfell." "And... Why are you hiding?" I asked him. "I must prevent myself from being seen in any AUs for everyone's sake." He replied.

"If you had done that with De. X. E. None of this would be happening and I won't be here, with only one soul, and so far away home." I said as he shocked "sorry?..." He apologized. "Nothing Nothing." I said annoyingly.

"So... he came to this place?" I asked him. "Yes." He said. I wasn't sure if he saying right. "This world is living in pacifist Timeline despite... Many problems..." He explained this place. "But I'm sure that his new friends brought him to his place." New....friends? Oh well.

"K, let's go then." I said as we teleported to snowdin. Everything is complete bloody and dust with a weird symbol everywhere include their dead bodies. It's kinda freakin' me out. We continue teleported, teleported and teleported.

Underverse. E.X.EWhere stories live. Discover now