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    Yeosang's pov

   "We're gonna do one thing we've never done. Clip an Angel's wings. Let's do this, Jungwoo," Sicheng smirked and gripped onto the base of my wings.

   "No- stop!" I exclaimed wriggling away from them. They laughed and pulled harshly against my wings. I felt them tear away from my back in sharp pains.

   "Stop!" Mingi yelled, bursting into the room. I cried from the immense pain in my back and looked behind me. My wings were half torn from my back.

    "Guys!" I sobbed, my arms outstretched childishly. They all gasped at my bruised state and grouped around me.

   "Baby!" They shouted, dropping to their knees beside me. I cried and flinched as Seonghwa tried to touch my cheek.

    "Stop!" I exclaimed, scooting back. Images of Taeyong beating me flashed over my eyes. My vision was blurry and my heart beat erratically in my chest.

"Baby, listen to my voice. It's just us, your boyfriends. Please calm down," Mingi asked softly. I focused on his voice and soon calmed down from my panic attack.

"That's it, baby, calm down. We love you so much," San smiled as I looked up at him with shaking eyes. San smiles and opened his arms wide for me to fall into them. I shook my chains and they realized the severity of my situation.

   "Oh my god, baby!" Hongjoong yelled and snapped the chains holding me back. I held my arms open for Hongjoong to hold me and cried into his chest.

   "They- they beat me, they tore my wings. They've hurt me!" I sobbed harshly. Hongjoong looked at the other sins and nodded.

   "Wipe them all out. Hell can do without Neo City." Hongjoong claimed. I gasped and shook my head.

   "Don't kill them! I think they're just-"

    "Baby, they aren't misunderstood. They do this for fun." Hongjoong smiled softly and pecked my lips sweetly. His kiss numbed my mind like alcohol.

   "Thank you for finding us," I sobbed and looked at Sunmi. Sunmi was shell-shocked that such high ranking demons truly are my boyfriends.

   "Us?" Hongjoong asked. He was the only Sin still left in the horrid room with me. I pointed at Sunmi.

   "She's been here since she was a little kid. Is she an angel or a demon, Joongie?" I asked. Hongjoong smiled softly.

    "An angel. She's like you," Hongjoong gently reached to pet my hair, but I flinched again.


   "Don't apologize, baby. I understand you've been through a rough time down here. I was really hoping your first impression of hell wouldn't be so bad, but dang. You got taken from earth and brought down here against your will!" Hongjoong exclaimed. I nodded my head and wiped my tears. Now that I was free, I was gonna save Sunmi.

  "Sunmi, do you want to get out of here?" I asked. Sunmi nodded her head quickly.

   "Please!" She begged. I nodded and snapped her chains. I reached down and picked her up and carried her, being led down the hallways by Hongjoong.

   "Thank you," Sunmi smiled softly as she was brought back to earth. I smiled and hugged her softly.

   "No problem. I said they would find us, and they did! Now, you can go back to your life," I smiled still as she waved goodbye. She disappeared into thin air, probably to go to heaven.

   "You did a good thing, despite being trapped in hell? You comforted someone and saved them. I'm proud of you," Hongjoong smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

   "We're all proud of you," Mingi spoke as we entered the house. I blushed and hid my face in Hongjoong's back.

   "Good job, baby. Can I kiss you?" San asked. I sighed shakily, slightly fearful, and nodded. I puckered my lips and San kissed them softly. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. San held onto my waist softly.

   "Let's go patch you up, baby," San mumbled against my lips. I nodded my head and intertwined our hands.

   "Okay," I mumbled softly and let San lead me into his bedroom.

   "Do you want to try healing your wings first before I try normal medicine?" San asked. I nodded and a faint pink light shone from my fingertips as my hand hovered over the torn skin.

   Soon, the blood dried, and most of the wound closed up. My powers are weak from being in that situation, so there was still some pain, some torn spots, and a few broken wing bones.

  "Baby, can you try putting your wings away? They'll usually heal better when they're not in use," San spoke. I nodded my head and imagined my wings being gone.

   "Good job, baby. We're all so proud of you for making it through it all. Can I see you smile, please?" San asked. I smiled widely and hugged him around his shoulders.

   "I love you!" I exclaimed and kissed San deeply. San held my waist and pulled me towards him. I sat on his lap and kissed him, flinching when his hands brushed over a bruise on my hip.

   "My powers don't heal bruises since they're so minor. My hip is bruised..." I mumbled, ashamed of my bruises and scars still. San gasped and gently kissed my forehead.

    "Let me see so I can put some medicine on it, please?" San asked, leading us to stand up. I stood up from his lap and gently showed him my bruised hip and side.

   "Baby, they're so dark already. How hard did he hit you?" San asked, his voice cracking with tears. I sighed and shrugged.

   "I don't remember. I was laughing to piss him off but he only hit me more," I spoke truthfully. San nodded and gently rubbed some bruise medical ointment on my hip and side. I winced as he accidentally pressed too hard.

   "I'm sorry, baby. I'm trying to be gentle," San promised. I nodded my head and let him continue.

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