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      Yeosang's pov

   "Seonghwa, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked as the demon helped me put away the groceries. He looked at me confused but nodded his head. 

    "Sure, what about?" Seonghwa asked. I shook my head, signifying I wouldn't tell him in front of the others. We quickly finished putting away the groceries and walked to his room. 

   "What did you want to talk about?" Seonghwa asked as he flopped down onto his bed. I sat down beside him on the fluffy blankets. I gently toyed with the top blanket shyly.

    "Why did you try to force yourself into my pants six months ago?" I asked softly. I watched as  Seonghwa stiffened up. He sat up and held onto my hands gently. 

   "I- I was jealous, Yeosang. You were only paying attention to San and Wooyoung, and not any of the rest of us. Why is that? Why don't you like anyone else like that?" Seonghwa fired question after question as he sat up. I looked down at our hands and blushed. 

    "I do..." I whispered so low he couldn't hear me. He looked at me confused and left go of my left hand. He gently held my chin and lifted it so we were eye to eye. 

   "What was that? I didn't hear you," 

   "Over the past two months you've been really sweet to me. I kind of started growing feelings for you..." I mumbled, my eyes looking anywhere but at Seonghwa. Seonghwa smiled softly at me. 

   "I'll ask for permission this time. Yeosang, can I kiss you?" Seonghwa asked. Before he even finished, my lips moved towards his before he closed the gap. I kissed back sweetly, our lips moving in sync with each other's. 

    Seonghwa slowly pulled me closer, his arms around my waist. I stood on my knees and moved even closer, almost completely on his lap. Seonghwa gently pushed me to lay down, our kiss never breaking. I laid down and Seonghwa hovered over me. Soon, Seonghwa pulled our lips apart to place kiss after kiss against my neck. I groaned as he found my sweet spot, slowly sucking on it to not leave a hickey. 

   "Yeosang!" Mingi exclaimed and pushed Seonghwa off of me. He gently picked me up and held me to his chest. He glared at Seonghwa angrily. 

   "Were you forcing yourself on him again?" Mingi yelled. I flinched from the booming voice. Mingi noticed and smiled reassuringly down at me. He gently caressed my hair until I pulled away. 

  "Mingi, why did you push me?" Seonghwa asked. Mingi laughed sarcastically and pulled me behind him. 

   "Last time you forced yourself on Yeosang, he passed out! Why wouldn't I stop that from happening again?" Mingi scoffed. I looked up at him confused. 

   "He wasn't forcing himself on me, Min..." I mumbled, biting my bottom lip. Mingi gasped again and looked down at me shocked. 

  "So you were cheating on San, Joong and I?" It was my turn to be glared at by the taller male. I looked down at the ground. 

   "I'm so sorry..." I mumbled sadly. Mingi sighed.

   "Fine. If you want Seonghwa instead of the three of us, who have shown you nothing but love and adoration, that's fine. I hope you're happy." Mingi scoffed and tried to walk away. I grabbed his wrist, tears in my eyes. 

    "Please don't leave me! You guys said-" 

   "You agreed to a full relationship, not an open one! Things are different, Yeosang." Mingi tore his wrist apart from my hand and stomped out of the room. I tried to follow him, but Seonghwa pulled me to him. 

   "No, let me go! Mingi, please!" I yelled, tears streaming down my cheeks. Seonghwa pulled me to him and hugged me as I cried. I began to thrash in his hold, trying desperately to go after Mingi. I saw San and Hongjoong stood in the doorway, disappointment on their faces. 

   "I'm sorry." I fell limp on Seonghwa's arms, falling to the carpeted ground. My knees scraped against the carpet, burning my skin slightly. 

   "I deserved this." I stated monotonously as I watched blood drip from my bent right knee. Seonghwa gasped and ran to his bathroom for the med kit. He cleaned my knee and bandaged it as I sat still, unmoving even slightly. 


  "Shut up, I don't want to talk." I claimed as I stood up and walked away from Seonghwa. I walked away from his room and the house entirely. 

   I didn't have on shoes, but I didn't care at all. My feet were punctured and scraped by rocks, but even then I didn't care. 

   I walked into the garden and picked a peach rose, the thorns pricking my fingers. I sighed and broke the thorns off, then slid the flower over my ear. 

   "Why am I like this?" I asked, receiving no answer. 

   I felt more tears roll down my cheeks as I held my face in my hands. I sobbed loudly, my chest heaving with each breath. 

   "I'm so sorry, guys. I love you!" I exclaimed. I still received no answer, nothing but silence followed my words. I laughed dryly and wiped my tears harshly with my cream colored sweater sleeve. 

   "I'm undeserving of you, any of you." I stated and knelt beside the pond. I gently dipped my hands into the crystal clear water before dunking my head under. I pulled my head out after a few seconds, the cool water calming me down some. 

  "I'm so sorry that I'm such a disappointment. I'll move out tonight, while everyone is asleep." I decided mentally, standing up from the pond and walking back towards the house. 

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