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   Yeosang's pov

   "Guys, I'm going out for a bit! Please, watch Jae," I sounded through the house. I heard Hongjoong come running towards me.

   "At least give me a kiss first!" Hongjoong exclaimed and puckered his lips. I kissed my boyfriend happily.
   "I'll be back in half an hour," I promised as I walked out the door. I shut the door behind me and walked down the flowery path of my front yard.

    As I was walking, I felt chills run down my spine. I thought of it as just then wind and brushed it off. I should not have.

    As I entered the Mall, I felt eyes on me, watching me, staring at me, glaring holes into my back. I shrugged it off again. I shouldn't have.

   As I entered the bathroom to use it, a white cloth was pressed over my nose and mouth. I fought hard against them, but this proved futile. I passed out in his arms, being dragged away.

   When I awoke next, my wings were out behind me. They had deep scratches on them, as did the rest of my dirty body. My wrists were bound to the wall behind me, and my feet were free so I could stand if I wanted to.

   I fluttered each wing, testing if they worked. I tried to fly forward to break the chains, to no avail. I growled and tried again. Nothing.

   I tried pulling against the chains with all of my angelic strength. Absolutely nothing happened. I groaned and tried again.

   "It's no use. These chains don't budge." An unknown female grunted as her blackened from soot wings sprouted behind her.

   "Who are you? Where am I? Do you know who brought me here?" I asked. She gave it a little thought as if she truly didn't know.

   "The captors, they call me Sunmi. They're a gang of demons known as Neo City. They make up a small part of town here in Hell. They primarily capture new angels to torture, slay, deflower, anything they can think of. "

  "They think of it as a little game. Kidnap the angel, get ransom, or take lives. Don't let Jungwoo fool you- he's the most vicious torturer. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!" Sunmi broke down. I gently tapped her foot with mine since that was all I was capable of doing.

   "Hey, I have seven demonic boyfriends! Maybe they'll come rescue us!" I exclaimed hopefully. Sunmi laughed hysterically.
   "Rescue? Us? Please! The only time anyone has been rescued was when Lucifer himself stepped in! Unless you've got some high ranking lovers, we're stuck down here!" Sunmi cried and rocked back and forth.

   "I don't know the ranking of demons. How high up are The Seven Deadly Sins?" I asked. Sunmi stilled.

   "Just one of them is  ten times stronger than Neo City. Let's hope they find out where we are..." Sunmi mumbled. She began to shake as footsteps came echoing around the hall. We were in an open room with no door. I could only assume we were in some type of building.

    "Well, well, well. Making friends finally, Sunmi? And here I thought you were mute." A surprisingly striking handsome male struts into the room, his hair a fire red. His left eyebrow had a deep scar in it, as was one beside his right eye.

   "Not today, Taeyong, please! Please! I can't take anymore of this!" Sunmi yelled, crying hard from trauma. I gasped as I witnessed the scene unfold.

   "Little angel, you're awake. How lovely," Taeyong smirked. I spat in his face as he leaned down to kiss me.

   "Not today, bastard! Just you wait until my boyfriends are done with you lot! You'll beg twice for mercy," I snarled as he wiped the spit from his face. His face fell the longer he had to wipe with his sleeve.

   "You've got some nerve, Angel. Who's your boyfriends? Little Vixx? Exo? Bangtan? Please, none of your low kind could-"

   "Seven Deadly Sins!" I yelled. Taeyong flinched and backed up. He regained his composure and laughed.

  "How could a changeling like you land the Seven Deadly Sins? Huh? Tell me! I've been trying for centuries to get even one to glance my way!" Taeyong yelled, grabbing my shirt collar and lifting me up to face him. I cackled in his face.

   "One of them even proposed to me just weeks after meeting me formally. They love me. I moved in with them on earth and they fell for me, one by one. I have them wrapped around my pinkie." I smirked, grinning even when Taeyong threw a punch at me. I laughed all the while he beat me.

   After what felt like hours of fake laughter and beatings, he left. Sunmi looked at me with comically wide eyes.

   "You're bleeding!" Sunmi exclaimed. I looked down at my stomach and grimaced.

  "That I am." I spoke and healed my stomach with my angelic abilities. It was the only one that worked.

   "Not any more! Do you really have them around your finger?" Sunmi asked before she gasped. I looked up from my stomach and smiled.

   "Back for more?" I spat blood at Taeyong. He groaned and wiped his neck.

   "Quit spitting on me! It isn't classy!" Taeyong bellowed as two men walked in behind him.

   "Meet Sicheng and Jungwoo, my best torturers! They'll have quite a bit of fun with you..." Taeyong laughed and exited the room, leaving me completely at the mercy of these two demons.

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