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     Yeosang's pov

  "Hongjoong, can we go on a date?" I asked softly. Hongjoong sighed. 

   "I can't today, baby, I have a case to work on. Maybe when this case is over, okay?" Hongjoong smiled. I sighed and walked out of his bedroom. 

   I walked into the living room and found everyone else sat watching a movie; Harry Potter. 

  "Guys, can someone hang out with me, please?" I asked, standing in front of the tv to gain their attention. 

  "Maybe after we finish the series, baby," Mingi spoke, then grabbed another handful of popcorn from the bowl on San's lap. I nodded my head and turned away, tears welling in my eyes as I walked into Mingi's room. 

   I sat on the center of the bed and curled into a small ball. I felt my chest heave as I sobbed profusely. I held my face in my hands and crawled under the blankets. Soon, I cried myself to sleep. 

   When I awoke, I was still alone in the room. Alone. None of the sins truly cared for me anymore since I turned into an angel. None of them checked on me if I had ate, drank or slept like they used to. None of them kissed me as often as they used to. They stopped caring. 

   "Why did you all stop caring?" I asked aloud, my sobs making my words unrecognizable. 

   "Why do I feel so unloved...?" I mumbled, curling up to one of Mingi's pillows. His scent always calmed me down significantly, but now it proved useless. 

  "Damn it!" I exclaimed, throwing the pillow away from me. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs so I faked being asleep, the blankets hiding my face. 

   "Yeosang?" Mingi asked softly, cuddling into my back. More silent tears rushed down my face. I stayed quiet. 

   "I can hear you sniffling, I know you're awake, baby. Tell me what's wrong, please?" Mingi asked, pulling the blanket away from my face. I shook my head and hid behind my hands. 

   "Okay. Can I at least lay with you until you feel better?" MIngi asked. I shook my head. 

   "You have a movie series to watch, so go watch it. Don't waste your time on me anymore," I mumbled. 

   "Baby, you aren't a waste of my time! Why would you think that?" Mingi questioned. I shrugged and moved away from Mingi. 

    "No, you aren't leaving until I know why you're crying. Yeosang, what's wrong?" Mingi asked again. 

   "I felt really lonely when I woke up, so I asked you guys to be with me, but all of you were busy..." I mumbled shyly, sadly. Mingi enveloped me in his arms. 

  "Baby, you should have said you felt bad-"

  "That's not all of it, Min. You guys have just seemingly stopped caring. I haven't eaten a single thing since that omelet, and I hadn't slept much before I just knocked out when my body felt too weak to continue. It's been a month since I was turned into an angel, and It's been a month since I felt loved, truly, by any of you." I lowered my head shamefully. Mingi gasped and hugged me to him. I pushed us apart and walked away. 

   "Don't worry, starving wont kill me, not anymore. Not sleeping wont kill me either. I'll be just fine." I stated emotionlessly and walked out of the room into San's bedroom. San wasn't in there, so I was once again alone for a few minutes. 

  Suddenly, all seven sins piled into San's room. I scoffed and looked away from their sad faces. 

   "Have you really felt unloved by us all?" Hongjoong asked, taking initiative. I laughed dryly and nodded. 

   "Tell me, guys, when was the last time any of you kissed me?" I asked. None of them had an answer. 

   "When was the last time one of you held me? Besides just now, Mingi." I asked another question. No one had an answer. 

   "Here's the kicker; when was the last time you saw me eat?" I asked a final question. None of them had an answer once more. 

   "I see. None of you want to answer because you know how long it has been. Fine." I sighed and stood up from San's bed. 

  "Baby, we're so so sorry! We didn't know we had you feeling this way-" San began, I cut him off. 

   "I trusted all of you, I love all of you, but it isn't mutual anymore. None of you even care about me and Jae anymore. Sure, Jae has school, so you can't really see him all that much, but even he has told me he feels lonely! Him, a six year old, feels lonely! What am I to do if that loneliness turns into depression like my own? Huh? What am I to do with a son that may want to die just as I do?!" I yelled, gaining all of their attentions. 

   "It's not just me you're all forgetting, but our child," I stressed. They all gasped as tears welled in their eyes. 

  "I won't have a son that feels abandoned by his own father. No way. Jae shouldn't have to live anywhere near what I have lived through. Screw all of you!" I exclaimed, pushing past all of them and running into Jae's room to pack his stuff. 

   "Baby, please-"
   "Don't "Baby" me anymore! I'm sick and tired of it all!" I finally broke as I held one of Jae's small shirts in my hands. I dropped to my knees and wrapped my wings around myself protecively.

     "Please, let us make it up to you," Yunho brushed my wings with his hands. I shivered and hid my wings, knowing exactly what he was going for. 

   "You think sex will make up for a month of loneliness? Really?" I asked. Yunho shrugged and nodded. 

  "It was worth a shot." Yunho mumbled, walking back to the other demons. I scoffed and laughed. 

   "I want love, not sex! I want a movie night, not a fifty shades night! I'm not just an object, guys, I have feelings and wants and needs. I don't like being ignored, and neither does Jae." I sobbed. 

  "We're sorry, baby, please tell us how we can make up for this all." Jongho asked. I thought for a minute. 

   "Can we watch Disney movies all day and cuddle?" I asked childishly. They all nodded their heads quickly. Mingi rushed to pick me up. 

   "I call dibs during first movie!" MIngi yelled, holding me close. I smiled and leaned my head on his chest. Mingi kissed my forehead ad apologized again. 

    "Make sure Jae feels this loved once he gets home, or we're gone." I stated, earning the attention of all seven males. They gulped and nodded, knowing I was serious.

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