Her wish IV (New Beginnings)

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Tristan's P.O.V

I expected for her to open the door, well, I hoped. But it was her father who did, who looked just as shock as me. "Tristan?" He spoke.

I gave him my biggest smile that I could ever muster and said, "Good day sir." Seriously, I don't know what the heck am I doing here. All I know is I want to see her, talk to her, hold her and apologize to her.

"Come in my boy." He said formally, although you can still sense the warning and suspiciousness in his voice. Not a moment later, I heard rapid footsteps and she came into view. I was breathless. She's definitely the definition of beauty. She was looking at me right in the eyes, shock and anger obvious on her face, her eyes were sending death glares at me. It was filled with rage, not the normal spark in them I usually see. -feels like she was shooting daggers at me, geez-

"What a great way to welcome a visitor." I thought, immediately realizing I said it outloud and put a hand over my mouth.

"Well I wasn't definitely expecting any visitor on the day before Christmas Eve." She snapped at me, while I caught her dad giving her a scary look which made her roll her eyes.

"Make yourself comfortable son, do you want anything to drink?" I nodded and smiled genuinely at Mr. Moore.

"That would be really great sir." I replied.

He grinned and proposed, "Hot chocolate then?" Ally immediately protested.

"No, you are not giving away my hot chocolate to this stupid dude." She said, waving her hand at my direction. She looked really cute with her face getting all red because of her anger and rage. I don't know why, but I find it really amusing.

"Allison Moore. You don't keep your blessings from people, you share them. It's Christmas for Pete's sake! Don't be such a child and get your friend some hot chocolate." She looked at me with those killer eyes and walked out of the room with her loud footsteps banging on the floor like there was a monster walking, shaking the ground.

"So what brings you here son?" I sat on the couch and looked up at her dad who obviously looks like he wasn't planning on sitting anytime soon.

"There's something I wanted to tell your daughter, we had a little misunderstanding that I need to fix. Well actually, I didn't come here just because of her." I said and smiled.

"What do you mean?" He asked, his eyes boring into mine.


"Hey asshole." She said coming out from the kitchen holding a mug of hot chocolate and pushed it toward me, urging me to get it. "Drink up, you'll need it." I raised my eyebrows.

"What did you put in here?" I asked suspiciously.

"What do you mean? I didn't put anything there. It's not like I spit on it on the way without my mom looking, I would never do that." Her dad raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, you really need to fix this. I don't know if you just had a relationship and broke up because you're being cruel to him honey. Did he cheated on you?" With that, his eyes fell on me with a glare.

"Dad, we never had a relationship.-"

"Who never had a relationship?" Her mom walked in and immediately, I was greeted with a warm smile with a baby in her arms.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Moore." I said and smiled. Soon, my gaze fell on the baby, "Who's this beautiful baby?" Ally rolled her eyes at me and took the baby in her arms from her mom, keeping the baby away from me.

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