Stuck on you

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Drake's P.O.V

Sweaty palms? totally not a good start.

Stuttering and mumbling is not allowed.

Blushing is prohibited.

Breath? Check.

Floss, to keep my teeth perfect? Check.

Smell? Check.

Hair? Oh god, should I put it down? Or should I just kinda like put it up? whatever.

Confidence? Depends.

But by the time she's in sight, everything stopped and my confidence is gone.

*Few hours ago*

"Dude, I really need your help." That's it. I swallowed my pride and actually asked my crazy friends to help me, just for her.

"Guys! Look! Drake is actually asking us for help!" They all burst out laughing but when they noticed I'm serious, they all stopped.

"Are you serious?" Cam -Cameron- asked, "Yes."

"Okay guys, listen up. Drake is serious, and we really gotta help him. We are a team, tell us what we should do and we will do it." my best friend, James, said.

"Well, I've been thinking."


"You and you are the ones who'll be drawing, you! You're going to cut what they draw. You, you and you, are assigned to do the research everything about her likes, dislikes, hobbies etc.-" I cut him off, "I don't think that would be a problem, I know everything about her. She's my best friend ever since 6th grade."

"Shut up, I don't care." I rolled my eyes at his fake 'Bossiness', "Peace out dude, I was just kidding. You, my friend are going to dress up perfectly and handsomely and please, practice your vocals." I saluted and laughed at my best friend.

"Thank you guys, this means so much."

"Anything for our best bud."

We were chilling on James' house and currently doing the things that need to be done, when Cameron spoke up, "Dude, you really gotta get dressed."

"Chill guys, we shouldn't rush anything. Otherwise, it'll look ugly." He rolled his eyes, "I wasn't talking about this papers, we got this. I was talking about you."

"What about me?"

"It's 6:30!"

"Wait- what?!"

I looked at my watch and nearly ran out the door, kidding, I did ran out the door.

I can't believe this.

Gosh, how can I be so unaware of the time?

I don't think I can do this.

Can I? No. Who the hell is that? I'm your conscience, duh. That's it, I'm going crazy.

I only have half an hour to get ready.


What am I gonna wear?

What will I say to her?

Should I wear black? or white?

Does that outfit makes me look fat?

Dude, you sound like a girl. I know I do! Shut up. You're going crazy dude, you're talking to your own conscience. Just shut up!

Am I going crazy?

Yup, it's totally obvious.

I'm going crazy just for a girl like her.

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