Chapter 16

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Izuku POV

Principle Nezu had called me to his office.

I had no idea why.

While I was walking there students from other classes were whispering behind their hands. I'm used to it. Mostly because of the students from Aldera high.

I entered Nezu's office only to see... Eri...? What was she doing here?

I remember the multiple times when Chisaki come to our headquarters. Eri was always with him. He never wanted her out of his sight. He sometimes left us with her. He had no idea we were planning on betraying him. Whenever I looked after her, I made sure to clean her wounds and feed her.

I may have been insane, but I wasn't inhumane.

"Good Morning Midoriya. I suppose you know her?"

I nod.

"She was asking for you. Care to tell me why...?"

Something in his eyes told me that curiosity wasn't the only thing driving this... man...? 

 "I looked after her when I was with the LOV." Was all I said.

"Well, she's hyperventilating. I think you might be able to calm her down."



I wrote 'hyperventilating' right on my first try!!!

You don't realize how much this means to meeee!


I walk up to her. She's curled up in a ball in the corner of the room.

"Hey Eri..." I say, "long time no see..."


Mr. Deku...?

Is he here?

I miss him...

He was always there for me...

But he left...

I can't see anything...

I'm scared...

"Listen to me Eri."

Mr. Deku...?

It sounds like him...

I try looking up.

I see something.

It's green.

Just like Mr. Deku's eyes.

I concentrate on the green thing.

"Eri, breath. In then out."

I obey.

Everything looks clearer.

"It's me Eri, Mr. Deku..."

I reach out. Mr. Deku's here. Everything will be ok.

After a few seconds I look around. I'm in a room. There's so much light.

I look for Mr. Deku.

Someone boops my nose.

Only one person does that.

I turn around.

"Mr. Deku...?"

"Hi Eri."



Ok, bye.


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