Chapter 25

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Deku POV

Shigaraki, Toga and Dabi appeared out of a portal I recognized as kurogiri's. So this was their plan?  Corner me while I was still confused and weak. My thoughts are all over the place. Concentrating is too hard. What should I do about them. I rely on my wits when I fight. 

I decided to run. Against them I didn't stand a chance. But as soon as I began to move my feet, i stumbled and tripped almost landing face first on the floor. They were going to kill me. I deserved to die. I should just die. That what they told me to do. I just couldn't though. I was too much of a coward. 

I wanted to live. I wanted to be a normal teen. I wanted to be loved. I wanted to have friends. I wanted people to care about me. Maybe if I survived I  could  get these things.

You don't deserve these things.

I know I don't.  But everyone deserves a second chance. I was lucky enough to be given one. I have to make the most of it.

I stood up unsteadily and lunged towards them. They easily dodged and aimed for my neck, rolling away, I tried backing out of the alley. Unfortunately, they noticed and Toga blocked my path. They were having fun. I was no challenge to them now. I had to focus. I had to calm down. I had to think.

My thoughts began to clear. It must have been a quirk they used on me. That made sense. My emotions were too strong. It wasn't natural. I needed to take control over my body again. My movements were still sluggish but I could somewhat deal with them.

I jumped, dodged and tried to aim for vital areas but they were just as good as me. Shigaraki, sensing that I was slowly starting to come back to my senses, decided to finish it off quickly. I wasn't going down though. I was annoying that way.

I tried weaving my way around them so I could find an opening to take at least one of them down, or escape. I found one. Dabi's flames could only do so much in a small area like this. He was the weakest here. I just needed to target him.

I ran towards him, but at the same time, Shigaraki grabbed on to me. How? What happened? 

I realized that I had placed too much trust in my mind. I didn't notice him sneaking up behind me.

My skin began disintegrating. I grimaced and desperately tried to twist my arm away, but the damage was already done. Toga stared towards my neck but I managed to duck. It only cut through my cheek. I had lost. I was going to die.

Shigaraki wrapped his fingers around my wrist and I screamed in agony. He wanted my death to be slow and painful. I glared at him. What left was there to do? 

Your other arm idiot. No ones holding it.

Wait. How could they miss that? They had thought they had won so they had probably lowered there guard. I punched Dabi in the face and used every last bit of energy to kick Shigaraki's legs. They both fell away. The only one left was Toga. I turned around expecting her to stab me but she was already trapped in ice. Wait. I didn't do that.

I looked around.


"I've found him!" 

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