Chapter 19

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Izuku POV

I jump out of bed and look around. It's the middle of the night. I think back to that day. They had lied to me. They used me. What did I expect? The reason we had all been brought together was because of our overdose of trauma.

I bring my head to my knee's and take a few breaths. Now would be the perfect time to cry. To cry and wallow in self-pity. 


 I was not weak. Instead I start to think.

I may have said multiple times that I was on the heroes side but I keep doubting that. I was free as a villain. I could do whatever I wanted. But here at UA... I guess I'm a prisoner. My mind is free but my body is trapped.

I suppose you can say I did this to myself... I suppose your right. Just because other people have contributed into making me the villain I once was, doesn't mean I wasn't the one who made the choice.

I say I have friends but they haven't seen the things I've done. They've heard about it, yes. But that's not the same. Each number was a person. Someone who had their life ahead. Someone who was waiting for a chance to do something in this world. Someone like me...

If they saw the men who lay on the ground, their bodies mutilated, their eyes an empty void. If they saw the children who watched and cried as their mothers crumbled to the ground in front of them...

I think back to all the people I've killed. I don't know if I regret it. Back then what I did was justified. I whole heartedly believed it. I was an idiot. I was selfish. 

I was a monster.

But that's not right. The person from the past is me. Everything that person did was me.

I am a monster, and I don't know if I will ever change.


Wow. That's a lot of emotion. I feel miserable just writing this. This was fun and I'm sorry if it was too short!

Thanks for reading!


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