Chapter 5

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Deku POV

I was walking down to the first floor, thinking about Bakugo. He was the prime reason I became a villain. I wanted to make him pay. I knew there would be no chance of me being able to fight him without supervision. Nezu would make sure of that, but nobody said anything about verbal torture.

I giggled like a child, earning a few glances from nearby students. This was fun...

I continued planning Bakugo's torture, and before I knew it I had reached the kitchen. A few students were hanging around here already, it was a Saturday and no-one really had anything to do.

I walked up to the fridge and got the ingredients to make soba. I noticed a knife nearby. One of the students had left it out. I could feel everyone's eyes trained on me. I smiled. Lets play around a bit then. 

I walked up to the knife, I could feel the entire room tense. I picked up the knife. I poked my finger; the knife tearing through my skin. I barely flinched. I was used to pain by now. I have dealt with way worse. Blood slowly ran down my finger. 

The knife wasn't very sharp, I wouldn't be able to do much damage with it.

I noticed the students positioned in a fighting stance. I almost laughed. I got up and in one quick, swift motion, I cut the mushrooms on the chopping board.

I could hear the students sigh in relief. It was funny how scared they were of me. I looked around the room; they had stationed a lot of cameras.. More than necessary. It didn't matter. I wasn't planning on escaping, anyway. 

If I was, I would have left a long time ago.


Sorry for the short chapter. 

Thanks for reading!


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