Chapter 9

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Todoroki Shoto vs Izuku Midoriya

3rd Person POV

As soon as Mic started the round, Izuku immediately started assessing Todoroki. For the past few rounds he was only using his ice powers, probably to spite his father. For some reason this irritated Izuku. 

Todoroki thought he still had a chance at defeating Midoriya, even with only half his power. Izuku, reading his expression (though there was not much to read), came to this conclusion. Izuku was extremely angry. Todoroki was really underestimating him. 

He was blinded by rage for his father, and instead of giving his all, decided to insult the rest of the students by only using half his power. He chose his pride and in doing so was oblivious to the fact that Midoriya could easily beat him.

Izuku felt the urge to help Todoroki. He didn't know why. Maybe being around sane, not mentally ill people was bringing his old side out. His good, innocent side.  He didn't want that... did he...? Izuku shook his head. This was not the time to be fighting inner battles.

He decided to help him.

"Look at me, Todoroki! We've been fighting for so long, yet you haven't even landed a single scratch on me!"

Todoroki didn't falter. Guess he had to get personal.

"And all for what? to spite your father?"

That got his attention.

"You know nothing about me or my father." He stated.

" Oh, but I do." I smiled deviously.

"I'm a villain Todoroki. We keep tabs on all the heroes. We know them on a very... personal... level. We even thought of recruting you at one point but you were so set on being a hero. "

Todoroki couldn't see where this was going.

"I know your father is... frustrating... but are you really going to loose to me just because of him? Just because you possess his quirk?"

That struck a nerve.

"Yes." Todoroki said, "I will only use my Ice quirk. I will prove to him that I don't need his quirk."

I sighed, annoyed.

"Don't you get it Todoroki? It's your quirk! Your quirk not his!"

Todoroki processed everything, he felt... happy...? relieved...? It felt like someone had shined a light upon somewhere that was dark, illuminating it, showing him the truth.

My quirk... not his

Todoroki started the fire in his hands, growing bigger every second.

Alright Midoriya. I'll give you all I've got





Sorry for the cliff hanger, thanks for reading!


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