Chapter 27

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I strolled back to Komugi's door with a bowl full of fruits. I knocked on the door. To my surprise, she opened the door herself.

"You should ask who's at the door and let them open the door instead of opening it yourself," I said taking my job as Komugi's guard seriously.

"Why is that? I'm no royalty," Komugi questioned as she pouted at me.

"While that may be true, I'm ordered to keep you safe. Help me, help you," I responded. I used to guard Isaac the older I got. I couldn't help but worry about him. "I brought you some fruits. I hope they are sufficient," I said.

"They're perfect. Thank you, Miss Piper," Komugi said, smiling at me. Her smile looked so precious. I couldn't help but smile back. My smile was interrupted when I sensed multiple, powerful auras coming towards us. One, I knew for certain was Isaac. I looked out the window to see a humongous dragon flying outside. I watched as Pitou leapt towards Isaac. However, once she got into range, she was smacked away by something large. It happened too fast for even me to keep up with it. What caught my attention next as another dragon. However, this one was made of nen. I watched as the dragon exploded into hundreds of nen arrows that began to rain down on the palace. The sound of stone breaking was all I could hear. I looked up at the ceiling to see it begin to crack over Komugi.

"Komugi!" I shouted as I ran to her and pushed out of the way. I pinned her in a corner, shielding her with my body.

"What's happening?" Komugi whimpered as she clung to my torso.

"Shut up and stay still!" I shouted at her. I felt a small piece of debris cut my arm. I yelped in pain. Komugi screamed and sank to the ground. I could feel the blood trickling down my arm. I shut my eyes to take the focus off of the stinging pain in my arm. Shortly after, everything stopped and an eerie silence filled the palace. I looked down at Komugi, who was balled up in the corner underneath me, tears were streaming down her face and she was covering her mouth to hold back her whimpers. I sighed to myself. I felt like an ass for yelling at her like I did. "It's over, Komugi. You can stand up, you're safe now," I said calmly. I gently took her hand and helped her up. She shakily stood on her feet.

"A-are you okay, Miss Piper?" Komugi stuttered.

"Don't worry about me. I'll guide you outside the palace. We should be safer there," I said. I could hear the faint sound of footsteps approaching the room from the corridors. "Get behind me," I said, shoving Komugi behind me. I had my metal claw on, so I didn't draw my sword.

"You've grown quite a bit since I last saw you, Piper Hashiri," I recognized the man's voice. I didn't trust the man who spoke it. "You needn't fear me," The man stepped into the light and revealed himself to be Zeno Zoldyck, "I'm merely helping an old friend,"

My eyes widened.

"He's here?" I asked.

"Who's here?" Komugi tried to cut in.

"Shut up!" I barked. I turned back to Zeno who nodded.

"He's with the king," Zeno said. I nodded. I picked up Komugi and ran to my room. Amazingly, it was relatively intact.

"You're going to stay here," I said, dropping Komugi onto my bed.

"Wait!" She yelled as she grabbed my arm, "Where are you going!"

"I have to see someone. I'll be back for you!" I ran out of the room and locked Komugi inside. I ran to the throne room. The doors were cracked open. I peeked inside to see Isaac standing in front of Meruem. I burst through the doors allowing both of them to see me. Isaac stared at me in surprise, as did Meruem. However, Meruem approached me and wrapped his arms around me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He seethed.

"The girl is safe. She's-"

"I don't care about her. I said why are you here?" He said again.

"I was worried," I muttered. I peered over Meruem's shoulder to see Isaac staring at me expressionlessly. I couldn't tell if he was mad or not.

"You seem to have important business to discuss," Isaac said pretending not to know me, "I'll wait outside," Isaac was gone in a second, leaving me alone with the king.

"I'm going with you," I said holding onto Meruem.

"No," he said sternly, "You're not going anywhere."

"You can't stop me from going," I said, "I'm willing to lay down my life for you," I felt a cold, sharp, tip at the back of my neck.

"I said you're not going anywhere. Disobey again and I'll kill you," His voice was cold as was all the air around him. I felt as if I were clinging to a piece of metal. Meruem dropped his tail. "Take Komugi and leave before this place gets any worse. It's the only way I can ensure your survival,"

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