Chapter 17

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Pitou found Piper on the floor while she was making her rounds.

"Piper?!" Pitou yelled as she ran towards Piper. Piper was still in a rather weak state. Her mind was elsewhere. She didn't come back to reality until Pitou shook her.

"Pitou?" Piper said confusedly, "What happened?"

"That's what I'd like to know. I found you here on the ground. Did Pouf do anything to you?" Pitou asked hastily. Piper remembered her encounter with Pouf. His aura was terrifying. After Piper left Pouf, she crumbled to her knees. She could only thank her lucky stars that she's alive. Her heart was beating out of her chest.

"Isaac's aura was nothing compared to the fear I felt with Pouf," Piper thought to herself, "How am I supposed to kill that?"

"Piper," Pitou said bringing Piper back from her thoughts, "Did Pouf hurt you?" Piper could feel Pitou's blood lust leaking from her. Piper felt grateful that it wasn't directed towards her. It still gave her chills. Nothing crippling like Pouf's. That could very well be just because it was directed at her. Either way, Piper snapped herself out of it. She stood up and collected herself.

"No, he didn't. Forgive my unsightly appearance, Sir Pitou. I'll make sure it never happens again." Piper said as she began to walk off leaving Pitou alone in the hallway.

The same someone continued watching their encounter. A chuckle escaped Meruem's lips.

"She's definitely extraordinary. She stood herself up after witnessing something that would've sent any normal human to a mental house," Meruem thought to himself, "How odd.... A million other things I could be doing and yet I'm watching her."

"Sire?" Pouf asked slightly startling Meruem. By instinct, the tip of Meruem's tail pricked Pouf's neck.

"You dare sneak up on me?" Meruem hissed.

"Forgive my rudeness, sire," Pouf said immediately. Meruem withdrew his tail.

"What do you want?" Meruem asked without removing his angry glare.

"I think we should get rid of Piper," Pouf said with no hesitation in his voice, "I strongly believe she has ulterior motives."

"Do you have any evidence to prove this?" Meruem asked defensively. Pouf was taken aback. He never needed evidence to prove himself to his king.

"I- I do not," Pouf answered.

"Were you here just to waste my time?" Meruem asked accusingly. Pouf took a reflexive step back and kneeled before Meruem.

"Never would I dream of such a heinous act," Pouf said gently, "I also wanted to tell you that the human girl is awaiting you for your gungi game."

"Is that so? Tell Piper I want her to join." Meruem said as he began walking to his throne room. Pouf's gentle face turned into a scowl. He quickly grew to detest Piper. More so than he dared to speak. He found Piper on the balcony showing Youpi how to play chess. For a minute or two, he observed Piper.

"Do you understand how to play?" Piper asked.

"Yes, white goes first right?" Youpi asked in return. Piper nodded resulting in Youpi moving his knight as his first move. Piper followed by sending forth her pawns, letting Youpi take two before ultimately catching his knight with her bishop. Youpi's eyes widened. He felt played. "You led me into a trap," Youpi noticed.

"Did your self-confidence go up as you took my pawns?" Piper asked slyly. It was a new tone that Youpi got from her. He quickly put up his guard and stared at her before answering.

"Yes it did," Youpi finally answered.

"That's how I took your bishop. I let your confidence grow. I let you think you had the upper hand on me. Remember Youpi, every pawn you take comes with a price of some sort. I'm sure you can understand that too. Right, Pouf?" Piper said without turning her head. Youpi saw Pouf leaning in the doorway with a scowl on his face. He readjusted the look on his face and entered the light of day.

"I see how you would find some truth in that. However, I believe there is a way to get what you need without causing yourself harm." Pouf said as he approached the chessboard and moved Youpi's King out into the open battlefield. Piper's eyes widened. She rarely saw anyone let their King roam about. In return, Piper unleashed her queen. Her power piece, with bishops and rooks set around as snipers, ready to take out anyone who'd come near her king. It was definitely a bloody battle with many losses. Ultimately, Pouf was the victor. Youpi only watched in fascination. "You're very good, human. However, I didn't even exert myself." Pouf said. A wicked smile consumed his face. "Now seeing as I'm the victor, shall I determine your fate?" Pouf asked. Piper only glared at him.

"Hey," Pitou said breaking the two up, "The king is running out of patience." Pouf dramatically placed the back of his hand to the forehead in feigned forgetfulness.

"How could I forget. The king wishes for you to watch his gungi game." Pouf said. Piper didn't say anything. She only glared as she raced to the throne room.

"That idiot. He knew what he was doing," Piper muttered to herself as she quickly reached the doors to the throne room. She was quickly met with Meruem's cold, stern, glare.

"You're late." Meruem seethed.

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