Chapter 11

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Meanwhile, the king was walking towards Piper’s room with her clothes. When he had approached her room, he entered without so much as any warning. Piper, who was still trying to fix her bandages, was caught with them unraveling, revealing two of her most sensitive parts. Piper didn't even have time to react to the king before he slammed the door. He placed his hand over his chest.

“Why is my heart racing? It’s pounding so loud that I can hear it in my head. My face feels warm. What the hell is this?” Meruem thought to himself. This reaction was entirely new to him. “I feel… not embarrassed…. Not prideful... Like my insides have been shaken. My nerve to go inside is shattered.”

“I believe humans called it being flustered.” Pitou chimed automatically knowing what the king was thinking. Meruem quickly turned around to Pitou sitting on a window ledge with an amused look on her face.

“Does my confusion bring you entertainment, Pitou?” Meruem asked with a displeased look on his face. Pitou suppressed her chuckle and bowed.

“Not at all, sire,” Pitou said. She looked up seeing the king holding Piper’s clothes, “Why don’t I take those for you, sire?” Without giving a verbal response, Meruem handed the clothes to Pitou. Pitou slipped into Piper’s room. As Pitou was shutting the door behind her, Meruem caught a glimpse of Piper’s fair skin. He could feel his heart racing all over again. He shook his head and walked to the throne room where he knew Komugi was waiting to play their game. He needed a distraction from Piper.

“Is he gone?” Piper asked as she fought the blood from overtaking her cheeks.

“He went to play gungi,” Pitou answered as she began taking off Piper’s bandages. Piper couldn’t help but sigh in relief. Pitou examined Piper’s wounds to make sure they were healing correctly. “They seem to be healing fine. Better lay off the training for a week.” Pitou said as she ran her fingers over Piper’s wounds. Piper couldn’t help but flinch.

“Still tender, eh?” Pitou asked curiously.

“A little,” Piper answered. Pitou hummed in response and began wrapping Piper’s wounds again.

“In a couple of days, it should be healed enough to get the stitches off,” Pitou said as she finished wrapping Piper’s bandages. When Pitou was done, Piper got dressed.

“Thanks, Pitou,” Piper said before leaving her room. It bothered Piper not being able to train. That’s how she spent most of her time. Without training, she was rather bored. Piper walked outside and into the forest that surrounded the palace. She walked far enough to know that she wouldn’t be sensed by the royal guards or the king. She sat under the shade and comfort of a tree. She held out her hand and ignited a fireball. She threw it five inches into the air and extinguished it before it reached her hand. She made another fireball, threw it in the air, and extinguished it before reaching her hand. She repeated the process for a short while. She stopped upon hearing rustling in the bushes. A small man jumped out of the bushes. He was about the same height as a playing card. Piper recognized him as one of Isaac’s subordinates.

“It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” he asked.

“Why are you here, Ezra?” asked Piper annoyingly.

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