Chapter 8

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Meruem's P.O.V

I was finished with my gungi games with Komugi. I decided to look for my human guard. I inspected her outward appearance last night. I discovered that she had no defensive features of any sort.

"How could she protect me if she has no defensive features of her own to fall back on?" I thought to myself, "No matter. I have something to fix that. As I was walking throughout the palace, I continued thinking about her physique. "Her skin was soft. Fingers slender. Eyes keen and sharp. From what I've seen, she's definitely agile and flexible." I happened upon my human with another one of my other guards. They were conversing.

"I've been wondering," said Youpi as he looked down at the human, "Why do you hate humans?" I shifted my gaze to the human. Her presence turned ominous. I could hear her seething words towards humans. She defiled as a child. Left to rot. Barely able to survive. Her body was engulfed in her nen flames.

"Is that what they call burning rage?" I thought to myself. I walked out onto the balcony and placed my hand on her shoulder. Her flames quickly died. They both turned to look at me and proceed to kneel at my feet.

"Is there something you needed, sire?" asked Youpi. I didn't respond. I looked at Piper. She remained silent. She wouldn't look up at me. I couldn't say why but it bothered me.

"I want to speak to Piper alone," I said. Youpi quickly stood up and left the two of us alone. Piper remained where she was.

"You wanted to speak with me, sire?" she asked.

"Stand up," I commanded. She stood with her head held high. I looked out at the desert. "Look at it all, Piper," I said. She turned around and looked out at the desert. "Soon, it will be filled with humans that will serve as food for myself and a slaughter field for you." Her eyes widened. I think that was the first time I've ever seen her with such eyes. Before she could express her gratitude towards me, Pouf had interrupted us. He was holding the little surprise had for my human guard.

"I have it, sire." He said as he knelt to me. I picked up the item from Pouf and dismissed him. I saw him shoot a glare towards Piper. I suppose that he still has suspicions towards her. Pouf has always been one to overthink things. I handed it to Piper. She looked at it curiously.

"What is this?" she asked curiously.

"How will you know if you don't unwrap it?" I replied. She slowly began unwrapping it. It felt like she was testing my patience. When it was finally unwrapped, her eyes lit up. It wasn't like when I told her about her own slaughter field. This was different. They looked joyful. Her stare was warm. Nothing like how she presented herself to fight by my side. She looked cold. She slipped on her metal claw and wiggled her fingers. It moved perfectly. Before I realized it, I was caught in her embrace. It felt like I was the first to ever show her any sort of kindness. I felt a warm sensation in my body. Before I could relish it, she quickly jumped back and apologized. Then, she dismissed herself before giving me any sort of room for response. When she left, I felt a cold sensation overtake my body. "Pitou," I called out. She quickly appeared before me and kneeled.

"You requested my presence, sire?" she said.

"Yes. I have a question." I said, "Why did I feel warm when Piper wrapped her arms around me in an embrace?" Pitou looked at me confusedly before going into her own mind to think.

"Well, sire, it could be that considering her species, she's an adolescent. Her emotions are not the most balanced. It's likely that it was the first time you were ever embraced in such a way. Maybe that's why it felt warm." Pitou reasoned. I thought about it as well. It made perfect sense to me. I wanted to feel that warmth again. I couldn't explain but I felt cold. Not like a shivering cold but an internal cold. I wanted to explore more of this feeling. It had certainly piqued my curiosity. I decided to look for her. I walked to her room. I saw that her door was opened slightly. I paused. She was sitting on the floor. Her aura surrounded her like a white glow. I could feel it growing. It was definitely strong. Reflexively, I released my own. Within a split second, Piper took a fighting position. I opened the door to reveal myself. She quickly kneeled before me and apologized for her defensive position. I wasn't concerned with that.

"Stand," I commanded. She obliged with no hesitation or fear. I approached her. Her eyes were cold and hard. They weren't filled with the joy that I had seen earlier. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me. I could feel her confusion. I didn't feel warm this time. This time felt odd. It felt tense.

"Um, sire?" she said, "Is everything alright?" I didn't respond. I wasn't sure how. I stayed still. It wasn't long until she reciprocated my actions and wrapped her arms around me. However, it wasn't the same warm feeling I had felt the first time.

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