Chapter 9

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Piper P.O.V

I couldn't find Pitou. I assumed she was busy with other duties. I decided to go to my room to meditate and grow my nen. I was relaxed. I was in my own world. Then, I felt someone else's nen. It felt malicious. I felt petrified. However, Isaac's training kicked in. I jumped up and formed a defensive position. My door slowly opened to reveal the king. My eyes widened. I quickly kneeled.

"Forgive my actions, sire. It was a reflex. Although I know that doesn't excuse my actions towards you." I said hoping he wouldn't kill me. I tried to maintain my composure in my voice. I tried not to let my fear show. I could feel my heart racing. It was pounding against my rib cage. I refused to admit to myself that I was scared beyond belief.

"Stand," he commanded. I complied with no hesitation. I braced myself for death or some sort of horrid punishment. I was shocked to be pulled into his embrace. I couldn't move. I had thought I was going to die.

"I'm still alive?" I thought to myself, "I'm not dead?" I realized I was still in the king's arms. My hands were pressed against his chest. I could feel his heart beating. It wasn't moving fast at all. "Um, sire?" I said out loud. Suddenly, he let go and looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "Is everything alright?" I asked. He quickly stepped away from me.

"Yes. I'm fine," he said as he quickly walked away. I was left there in utter confusion.

"What the hell just happened?" I said aloud in disbelief. I shook my head and went outside. I began training with my fire people. This new claw was amazing. It made it easier to fight. I didn't have to draw my Jian. It was one swipe and instant death. Fighting never felt easier. The metal was strong enough to block any attack without heating and burning my skin. It was amazing. Pitou and Youpi were watching me train.

"Hey, Piper!" yelled Youpi, "If you want a new type of training, I'll spar with you!" I froze for a second. I wasn't expecting anything like that.

"Are you sure?" I said. For a split second, I forgot about my fire people. Before I realized it, I felt a stabbing and burning sensation in my back. I could feel something leaking from my mouth. I turned my head to see one of my fire people stabbing me with a spear in the right shoulder. I quickly released my nen. I felt my legs give out. I fell to the ground. "Damn. This is new." I thought to myself. I felt someone pick me up. My vision was starting to get blurry.

"Pitou activate your nen. DO IT NOW!!" I could've sworn I heard Meruem yelling. I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't see anything very well. I felt a hand on my forehead. It felt enormous. Everything was still blurry. I tried to make out the faces I see hovering above me. I was able to tell Pitou's and Youpi's faces from the rest. Before I could try to figure out more, I saw Doctor Blythe. I could feel a cold piece of plastic cover my mouth. My eyelids felt heavier and heavier. I couldn't resist the calling of sleep any longer. I was sure that I was going to die. The last thought I could remember was Isaac hugging me and his last words to me.

"I'm proud to call you my daughter," he said to me. His hug was so warm. I was going to miss him dearly.

"I failed. I'm sorry Isaac." I thought to myself before diving into the darkness of sleep.

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