
Walking through the dimly lit hallways, Midnight's steps were silent. After texting Luca that she was here, she got out the key enter his penthouse.

Entering silently, she chuckled to herself knowing that Luca hated it when she was so quiet. But she loved scaring him and making him jump when she scared him behind the wall. She was light on her feet as she walked toward the living room, a ghost of a smile on her lips as she looked around for Luca and awaited the perfect time to scare him.

As she turned the corner, still silent as a wraith, her heart almost stopped in her chest as she caught scene of what unfolded in front of her.

Another woman.

Barely clothed.

On top of Luca.

Lips against lips.

A shuddering breath left her throat.

No. No. No.

Luca loved her. He would never-

The woman moaned.

Her heart stopped again. Her knees grew weak. She felt the tears well in her eyes and that tight feeling in her throat grow and grow until she couldn't breathe anymore.

Was she not enough for him? What had she done for him to seek out another woman?

Her eyes drifted to Luca's arms.

They were lifelessly still at his sides. She looked at his eyes that were closed. No movement from his eyes underneath his lids. She looked at his chest. It barely rose.



This wasn't what she thought.

Oh god. Oh god.

Without wasting a second, she swiftly got out her gun and didn't think twice before pulling the trigger at the woman. It hit her shoulder, blood pouring out as she yelped and got off of Luca.


Midnight fired another bullet, aiming at the knee to immobilize her.

Not paying another second of attention to Bianca, Midnight sprinted to Luca with tears pooling in her eyes. Falling to her knees at his side, she cupped his face with her shaking hands. Yelling his name, she pressed her ear to his chest to feel the drum of his heartbeat. It was faint.

Weak. Slow.

Gripping his large, tattooed hand in hers, she sobbed as she tried shaking his shoulders.

"Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, Luca. Please just give me a sign that you can hear me," she rushed out her words, desperate and quiet. Her heartbeat thundered in her chest, skipping beats and causing her lungs to burn.

She sobbed out in relief when she felt his index finger tap against the back of her hand.

Just once.

"Good -keep doing that. You stay with me okay? Or I will kill you when you wake back up," she warned, tears spilling out of her eyes as she tried to stay calm. Getting out her phone with her hands that shook violently, she dialed the only number that she knew by heart.

"I need to speak to Doctor Diaz. Now."


Not even ten minutes passed before the door burst open, revealing a petite woman in a white lab coat and two nurses carrying large medical bags trailing behind her. Midnight released a shuddering breath, pushing herself off her knees and forcing herself to let go of Luca's hand as she gave the petite woman and the two nurses room to work.

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