Khun is Peeking at _ (brother?)

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The next few days, I tried to find time to break the news. But ever since I came back from the hospital, Khun has been very quiet. Not exactly cold, but...... he's definitely keeping distance and avoiding me. I don't know why...did I do something to anger him again? However, I don't think it's anger, but if it isn't anger, then what is it? I bit my lips in frustrations.

Khun seems to finally take notice of me. "You okay?"

I shot him a cold stare. "If I say no, what are you going to do about it?" He was slightly taken back. Maybe my response was a little too harsh... I breathe in some air. Sigh. "Nothing. Just something I have to tell you when you have time."

Khun closes his slightly open lips. "Oh. ...You can tell me now."

BEEP! Message from Leesoo.

I look over. Khun looks at me, thinking of the same thing. So Khun checked his pocket. However, it was only me who got a message.

"What does he want?" His tone is nonchalant, but he's obviously curious. I shove myself a little away. He raised an eyebrow at me, then turned away.

Hey sweetie! Your knight and shining armor has taken the job and sent you the photos you want from our little trip!~~ [hearts, hearts, kiss, kiss emoji] Oh, ask Khun for me if he wants the photos too. If he does, please help me send them to Khun. Love you dearly~~ Leesoo.

I look through the photos. Each of us smiling freely, the large sunflowers swaying in the background. Ran with his hands in his pockets, Leesoo with his arms around Ran. Me happily facing the camera and Khun's small but noticeable smile. I swipe through them slowly. Then my hands stop. Huh? I look closer. No way! I'm not blind, this is for real! I look at Khun, he slightly turns his head, as if waiting to be asked a question.

"What? Do you need to show me something?"

I scratch my cheeks. "U-umm, Leesoo sent pictures of our trip....Do you want to see them too.?"


As I thought, most likely not.

"...Why not. If you can see them, why can't I?" His head was fully facing me now. His smirk slowly rising.

I gulp. "Ahh.. sure! might not want to see the last photo."

Khun's eyebrows scrunch up. "Why not."

"I don't want to say..." I forward the pictures to him.

He wasn't hesitant when I said these words. Instead, he boldly looks through the photos, with a face that shows no change in emotion, his hands swiping madly and didn't stop before the last photo. I hold my breath.

There it is. I can see a flicker in his eyes. He cough slightly. "What's wrong with the last photo."

How should I put this? The last photo has nothing wrong. But that's exactly the problem! Everyone is just doing what they want when the photo was taken. But I just don't feel right. Because within the picture, Khun's eyes were staring straight at me! But I can't tell his expression at all. Does he think of me as a little brother? That he even kissed my forehead?

My face was burning. "Hahahahaha! I was just joking! You can't even take jokes seriously!"


I slowly stop laughing. Khun's not helping me cool down at all...

BEEP! Message from Leesoo.

I was almost too quick in opening the message, praying silently that Khun don't think I'm crazy.

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