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Ran's POV

I watched from upstairs by the rails as the boy walked in. He's short. Even shorter than me. But I sense something from him, something striking similar to my brother. What is it? It is nagging me and so damn annoying. Ugh, I have to test him out.

"No need. I'm here." I said while walking up to him. He stare at me for a moment before smiling and naming the price for the meal. Not sure what, but his smile is cute. Wait, what am I saying? Must have been too busy training these days that my sense gone numb.

"Pocket. Visible mode." I transfer the money to the ramen shop. Before I could even grab my meal, Leesoo gave me a call.

"Hey Ran! Where are you? I told you already that Khun decided to eat out! Endrossi has already booked a place for us! Why aren't you in your room? Oh wait, I see you! Hanging up~~!!"

What the heck. Khun should already know I hate busy places. I rather stay home and eat my ramen.

Crash! Huh? Was that the ramen that I paid for on the floor?

(Y/n) POV

He had such an adorable face. Looks like a cute and kind child to me. I smiled and told him the price. The money was transferred successfully, and I was about to hand him the ramen when his pocket rang. Leesoo was written on it.

I tried to not listen to his conversation but it was kind of hard. This man "Leesoo" has a voice that's hard not to notice, and I even heard "Khun' and "endrossi".

Does this adorable boy have a brother? Wonder if he's as adorable as him. Is this "Endrossi", the famous princess Endrossi Jahad? Wow! I'm getting to see all the people today!

All of sudden, a weird looking man in purple suit jumped on me and wrapped his hand around my shoulder. I shriek! Oh no! I sound like a girl!

Before I knew it, the ramen spilled on the floor.

"Come on Ran! That so unlike you! You never sound like tha..." The man stare at me with big eyes.

"Leesoo. Are you crazy? You scared the delivery boy and now my lunch is on the floor!" Khun Ran said with an annoyed face.

Wait. Did this man, Leesoo, the one that just called, thought I was Ran? I stared at Ran, than back to me. I started to see the resemblance. Hoodie. Shorts, and similar height. What an embarrassment!

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry my cutie Ran! And you to, sweet little boy! But were going out to eat anyway, why did you order takeout? Nevermind! Just follow me, I'm your ride! Hey little delivery boy, you got anything to do?"

Huh, I was gonna eat lunch. But why should I tell him that? "No, but I feel like I should pay back Khun Ran for his meal that I didn't deliver."

"Nevermind that. Just follow me. Just let him follow us, Ran. He's probably on lunch break." Ran didn't give any comment but turned for the door and started to leave.

Leesoo look at Ran and turned around and gave me a wink. " He didn't say no! So that's a yes!!"

For some funny reason, I don't think this is a good idea, but before I could protest, I was already in a car ride to town.

(Y/n) POV

Leesoo talked the entire way to town. Apparently many of Ran's friends would be there and his brother, which they just refer to him as Khun (full name Khun Aguero Agnis), was still at the hotel we were just at. He was running a tad bit behind on work but will drive himself there in his new car.

Wow, these regulars are rich! Almost earning as much as rankers! Even the car I'm sitting in doesn't look cheap.

We pulled up to a fancy tall building. It was nothing more than a large commercial building but each floor existed for different uses. Our destination was the 307th floor of the building, a large dine-in restaurant with a clear view of the beautiful city below.

Leesoo stared at me and then gave me a grin. Oh how that grin gives me goosebumps. He put his hands around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"So are you a big fan of Endrossi? I can get her to give you a signature~~" he giggled into my ears.

I tried awkwardly to push him away but he was stuck on like glue. "Haha.. I am but that's okay..."

"Aww come on! No need to be shy! Were both men~" I sigh. Someone, please help me.

"Leesoo, knock it off, leave the boy alone. Tell us where we're sitting already." Ran demand.

Leesoo giggled and finally released me from his grasp. I'll have to thank Ran later for that. He walk us to a large round table by the nearest corner of the restaurant, next to the window. Sitting there and already waiting was the princess, Endrossi herself, a large talking aligator, a swordsman, and another girl with green skin.

"Who's this...?" Endrossi said with a sly grin on her face as she stares at me. I feel like she can devour me in minutes.

"He a delivery man we just met. His name I forgot to ask. Hey cutie, what's your name?" Leesoo asks me with a grin on his face.

"Leo. The name's Leo. And please don't call me cutie."

"Well Leo, I have to say, you have a very pretty face. Even I'm getting jealous." Endrossi sent a wink in my direction. I have to awkwardly laugh it off. Don't know what trouble I could rise if they figure out I'm a girl.

"You're right. He's very short for a boy too." I flinch at this new voice. It's scary how warm I'm feeling after hearing his voice. I had to find out who words these belong to. I turned around.

Walking towards us was a man whose blue hair flows softly and eyes dark and deep as the ocean blues.

I blushed. Another Khun! Ran's brother!

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