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Khun's POV

Although I'm mad that Leo doesn't understand me much, I'm surprised that he offers to repay me. Maybe on this trip, we can get closer...? But then again, maybe I'm thinking too much. But honest to truth, my mind has been here and there ever since a week ago, when Leo came in as a girl. He has gone back to his usual self, tucking his hair underneath his red cap. He hasn't told me where we're going yet, but no rush.

BEEP. Bam! A text from Bam! Without realizing that Leo was still in the room, I opened the text.

Mr. Khun! I'm so happy you're doing great! Endrossi and Leesoo have been telling me you got a girlfriend? Though I don't know if that's true, it seems you guys are having fun. But good news! I'll be returning soon! Bam.

I reread those words over and over again, can't contain the excitement of Bam's return, that I didn't realize Leo saw the message too. Oh crap! I forgot, what were they thinking? Why would they tell Bam about a girlfriend? I look over at Leo. It seems we both know that this "girlfriend" they were telling Bam about was Leo. We both look away.

"Ahem. Ahh, c-can we take this afternoon off?"

"Why?" It's not like we were behind on work. In fact, we're ahead. But I never saw Leo wanting something, nor wanting to do something with me. I smile to myself. This makes me want to tease him a little. "Did I make you work too hard, that you're asking for vacation?" I smirk.

"N-no,no, no, no! It's actually about our vacation that I own you. We should buy clothes together this afternoon." He looks timidly at me.

Ours. I like that. "Fine. We can leave in an hour." Leo smiles happily to himself. I ponder where we're going if we need to buy extra clothes... the shopping mall.

The mall was bustling with people, despite being a weekday. Leo seems over excited and couldn't stay still at one spot. I reach out to hold his hands. Leo jolted and looked at me shockingly.

"Hey. I'm only doing this cause you're so small, I'm afraid I'll lose you somewhere." Although that was only partially true. The other half was because I have no idea what clothes we need to buy, so I wouldn't know which stores he ran off to. Leo blush slightly and hold my hand tightly. His hands were small, and fit snugly into my palms. I feel like walking my little brother around, but thinking of me holding Ran hand makes me break out in laughter. I don't think in a million years would Ran let me hold his hands. Leo stared at me when I laughed.

"Sorry. Was thinking of something. So you were saying? Where are we going?"

Leo didn't answer but just smiled and pulled me along. I watch Leo nimbly cut through people at the mall. His small figure goes in and out while pulling me behind. I clutch tightly, afraid that someone would come and break us apart. Leo stops abruptly, making me bump into him.

"Sorry." I look up. Winter Wonderland. Clothes for winter? What plan does Leo have in mind?

"Huh? Oh, for bumping into me? You're fine, it happens." He said it so casually, brushing it away. His mind was obviously on something else. While grinning, he asked me, "where do you think were going?" He looks like a cute puppy, waiting to be pet. Don't know why, but I want to answer correctly so that he could stay happy.

Hmm. Winter. Where could there be winter in the middle of summer? I took a shot. "Did you plan on going to the snow mountains?" Leo's eye sparkles. Guess I hit the jackpot.

Leo pull me hard, while excitedly yells, " Come on! Lets go buy some coats!" I almost stumbled while trying to follow him into the stores. The store was pretty empty. Not many people would go to snow mountain for vacation. Rather the beach was more popular. But Leo seems so satisfied with his choice, how could I bring the idea of a beach to him? He let go of my hands and starts pulling coats off the clothes rack. I looked at my hand, his warmth was still there. I put my hands into my pockets.

Leo showed up in front of me, holding a teal blue coat and a cream color coat. "Which one do you like?" I really haven't given much thought, but before I could give an answer, he answered for me. "Nevermind. Khun, you have such fair skin and beautiful blue hair, I think almost any color fits you!" I blushed. How can he say that so easily?

"How about we just buy these two. You can choose one, and I'll wear the other one." Leo smile and was about to walk up to the counter. I frown. For some reason, I don't like that. I pull him back and grab the teal coat and put that on a random rack. "No. We should wear the same color. That way, I don't lose you." I have many reasons that came to my mind as to why I want to wear the same color coat, but that was the reason that came out of my mouth. Leo looks at me and broke into a laugh. His small face lit up and he taps me on the shoulder repeatedly. "Okay, okay! Whatever you want! We can both wear the cream color one if that want you want. Thanks for worrying about this little boy, who won't be able to take care of himself." He giggled at me, obviously making fun of me. I flush, feeling myself getting hot. I quickly grabbed the coat he was holding and got one a smaller size and headed to the counter. Damn it. What got into me?

...The day before leaving for vacation..

(Y/n) POV

For some reason, Leesoo managed to figure out the day we were going to leave and decided to nag us the day before with Ran. Though the way I see it, Ran was dragged along by Leesoo so that Leesoo would feel less shameful if two people were there instead of him, himself, alone. Khun and I were busy packing our clothes and necessities into our luggage bag while Leesoo whines repeatedly about being lonely and how he'll miss his love (Khun). Ran took a liking to the couch in the living room and seemed to have fallen asleep. I have to praise him to be able to sleep, even in this situation. I look at Khun. Khun was rubbing his temple roughly before grumbling loudly for Leesoo to "be quiet". I tried to hold in a laugh. They're just too adorable. I envy their closeness, and suddenly missed my friends at the hospital. I don't remember that last time I visited them, but I probably should visit them soon...

"Hey Leo?~ Are you surrreeeee, you don't want me to come along with you?" Leesoo asks. Why did you have to drag me into this? I gave an awkward laugh. I don't really have a say, Khun is who I owe so it's entirely his decision. Khun shot me a stare.

"S-sorry Leesso. But I promised you I'll go with you another time. You can even bring Ran along, if you want." I give a weak smile.

Leesoo whimper and then sigh. "Then let me help you pack!" he starts moving aimlessly, although Khun and I were already close to finishing packing.

"It's fine. You guys should head back. Bring Ran with you, he's sleepy." Khun said while walking over and giving Ran a shake. Ran blink before getting up.

"Leesoo? You done?" Ran rubs his eyes and then gets up. "Let's go." He walks ahead, without waiting for Leesoo's response.

"Hey! Wait up!" Leesoo gives us a sad (but I caught a mischievous look in his eyes) goodbye before running after Ran. I let out a huge sigh and lay with my hand spread out on the bed.

"Got something in your mind?" Khun ask, putting the things in his bag and zipping it up.

"...No. Just can't believe we're finally going on this trip." I turn to face Khun and give him a smile.

"...." Khun said nothing, got up, grabs a towel and threw it at my face. "Shower. We gotta get up early tomorrow."

I sat up, letting the towel fall onto my lap. "What about you? Are you excited?" He looks at me through the corner of his eyes. Then he lay down on his bed, using his arm as a pillow. Khun's blue hair lay messily around him. "...I actually don't know what to say. Vacations don't come often for me. But maybe you can make me enjoy this trip?" I saw a faint smile on Khun's face.

I got up to walk to the bathroom. I stop at the door and turn around, "Khun, remember when I ask you about if you think sharing is a gift. I'll promise you that sharing this trip will definitely be a gift. For the both of us." I smile at Khun and walk off. I didn't think he moved from his bed. But I made a mental note to myself to definitely succeed in this impromptu promise I made.

.....[Author's Note: Vacation is beganning soon!!~~ \(-o-)/ ]

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