Make up

164 14 2

Khun's POV

Leo was already gone when I was awake. Assumingly, he probably went to Endrossi. I looked at my pocket. He has 15 minutes to get here. Should I go downstairs to pick him up? Hold on, what am I thinking? He's a man, he can manage to get up here himself! But then again...sigh, I'll go.

I lean on a chair in the lobby of the commercial building on the first floor, having the full view of the front door. 11 minutes till he'll be late. Beep. Message from Leesoo. Endrossi's red car just pulled up to the curb. Hmm, I'll read his message later. She got out of her driver's seat and walks to the passenger seat. Her sunglasses can't hide the excitement of whatever she was going to do. Reporters were already starting to gather around the princess. Endrossi opens the car door.

What I saw next was unthinkable! I can never imagine that Endrossi would have such a huge scheme up her sleeve! Leo came walking out the passenger seat. But he was dressed in a brown mini skirt, a cream colored high neck long sleeve shirt, and high heeled combat boots. His long amber hair was tied in a braid down her back. As mean as Endrossi jokes can be, I have to say, I can't underestimate Endrossi. I can't help but stare at Leo. For a lack of better words, he was beautiful.


Before Leo showed up in girls clothes to work...

(Y/n) POV

I was awake early so that Khun wouldn't notice me leaving. Huh? Why are my blankets so neatly laid on top of me? If I remember correctly, my blankets always end up at the bottom of my bed cause I kicked it off... I stared over at Khun. He must've been a deep sleeper and neat freak. He was tightly bundled inside his blanket, yet the bed looks so wrinkle free. I tiptoe across the room and stop before the door. I looked back. I wonder what he's dreaming? He has such a frown on his face? Should I go wake him up?  Nevermind, I should go. front of Endrossi suite room.

I knock gently on her door. Before I even got to knock three times, the door swung open so quickly, I could feel the wind blowing my hair back. Endrossi didn't spare a second before grabbing me in and slamming the door shut behind her.

Anak and Endrossi share the same room, and their room is only 5 doors away from Khun. Leesoo shared a room with Hatsu and Ran, and is located between Khun's and Endrossi's room. Her room was very "Endrossi style" I have to say. I can see that where the small table separated the two beds, was the boundaries of each person's side of the room. Endrossi's side contains lots of bright colors, orange, red, pink etc. and her walls hungs many posters of herself, either from her commercial shooting or just her own personal photo, leaving only spots of the walls to be seen. Anak's side of the room was very simple, with almost nothing. I stood there, not knowing what to do. Endrossi smirked and pulled me to her bed and told me to sit down.

"What are you thinking? What I told you yesterday?" Endrossi ask while looking through her closet. My mind flashbacks to last night. She told me that she knew I was a girl...since when?

"Don't worry. Only Anak and me know. I won't tell the others because you might have your reasons. But just for fun, I think it's fun if I dare you to wear girl clothes." she chuckles to herself. "You have such beautiful skin and hair," she turns around and touches my hair between her fingers, "... I just want to doll you right up..." I flinch. Oh boy.

.... A few minutes later...

I stared at myself in the mirror. I still remember the day when I decided to store away all my original clothes before buying men's clothing. It must've been a year since I last wore these types of clothes...I think I've gotten too comfortable in males clothes that the clothes I'm wearing right now don't feel right. Sigh. Endrossi was really kind to let me borrow her clothes. But then again, it was her idea...

Bam! Bam! Bam! "Hey Princess! What are you doing with Leo? Me want to see~" Oh man! It's Leesoo.

"..I'll go get it." As I headed towards the door, I suddenly got startled. Anak has been so quietly sitting there on the living room sofa that I almost forgot this was also her room.

"Wait!" I bit my lips. "Will this be okay?" I look at Endrossi for answers. She wink at me and got up from the chair by the window to get her purse.

"You'll be fine! Trust me! Now let's get going! They're all waiting for you." She push me toward the door. Anak was already there, waiting for my signal.

I gulped. "O-ok. Let's go."

.....back to present.

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