You and I

139 13 1

Khun's POV

I managed to finish packing before everyone else woke up. Leo had told me before the trip that the bus must leave by 7 to get to the city by 9. Since Leesoo and Ran only manage to get a ride here, but not a ride back, they would be riding the bus with us. It didn't take me long to pack, since we didn't actually upack everything, and we were only staying for one day and one night. Leesoo even told Ran to not unpack at all. So I didn't really have much to do.

I sat on the sofa, my hands crossed. What Ran told me last night is still stuck in my head. What about Leo is similar to me? I look at the sleeping lump on the sofa. His amber hair fell about all around him. Many possibilities came to me. I didn't stop thinking, even as we loaded up our belongings and file onto the bus.

Leo and I sat in the same spot as last time, and the girls who were giggling last time did not disappoint. They were even more ferocious today. My guess could only be because of Ran and Leesoo. I message my temple. Too noisy. I look at Leo. He has his red cap back on but this time, his coat as well, with his hood over his red cap. His little nose red and his cheeks rosy. Puffs of air can be seen with occasional sneezes. I sigh. It was pure luck he only caught a quick low fever and was over. If not, I might have to use the fire fish. But I don't like to use that. It brings me pain, along with immense heat, since I couldn't control it. I don't know how much longer before I can hang on and lose control or something even worse happens.

Leesoo waved his hand in front of me. "What'cha thinking? You look so dazed off, Khun~~." Leesoo and Ran had decided to sit on the last row next to us as well. Ran stared silently out the window, while Leesoo chatted away with the girls up front. I don't know if I'll be able to take a peaceful nap in this...

Bump! Pssff...

The bus rolled to a sudden stop when we were near the sunflower fields. The sunrise can be seen in the horizon, making each golden sunflower blazed even brighter. This stop might be unintentional, but the scenery was breathtaking. Leo, who shortly fell asleep when the bus started rolling, seems to be awakened by this abrupt stop. His head bangs slightly on the window.

"You okay Leo?" Leesoo ask, while trying to peer past me. Leo turns over and smiles, saying quietly that he's fine. I hold my breath. The sunlight that shines on those flowers in the fields were nothing compared to his eyes. His golden eyes, hit with the sunrise, were like filled with thousands of gold and diamonds. Sparkling endless and captivating... without knowing why, I gently rub his forehead, and give him a kiss lightly where he bumps the forehead.

Leo's eyes widen with confusion. I flinch. What did I just do? I quickly look around. Leesoo had his hand covering his mouth that was most likely in the shape of an "o" and large eyes filled with excitement. Ran didn't seem to notice. The girls up front were blushing widely. I mentally slap my forehead. What have I done?

"Sorry to trouble you guys, but I might have to ask you guys to enjoy yourself on this sunflower field for a bit, while I get this bus going again." The white hair busdriver gave a polite but apologetic smile. I couldn't be happier to be saved by his speech. Without waiting, I got up first.

The air outside feels nice against my warm cheeks. And the sun was not too bright that I would need to squint. The view ahead of me were rows and rows of endless sunflowers, the height of the bus.

"Hey!~ Wait for us!" Leesoo ran after me, with Leo and Ran slowly walking behind. I slow down my steps.

Moments later, Leesoo pounced on me and complained about leaving him behind again. I snorted. Funny how he runs but still has so much energy to talk. Not much behind, Ran and Leo arrive. I stared at Leo. He avoided my eyes. Great. Should I say something or let it pass like nothing happened?

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