The Meeting

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Khun's POV

No matter how I see it, he's really bad at hiding the fact that he doesn't want to have any interaction with me. Amusing. That makes teasing him even more fun.

Of course, he has no choice but to ride with me. Funny how he bites his lips and fiddles his fingers in nervousness. I don't think I ever done that. Then again, the last time I was ever nervous was when I had to work with Bam's new teammates, Wangnan and them. Hmm, I should try to dig some information out of him, but him right now is making me having second thoughts.

There was a detour ahead. Crap. I don't know the roads enough even though I have been here for a year. Should I look up the roads on the lighthouse?

I glance at Leo. Would that make me look bad?

"Turn right. Then right again."

I must've looked lost, but I did forgot he was a delivery man. Let me play with him...I decide to make a couple of wrong turns just to see his reaction. I can't help myself. His golden eyes and face expression are just priceless. His flushed face when he realized I was playing him was too adorable. I just want to tease him even more, just like Bam.

" .. umm.. Khun, I really need to get to work..if we turn the next left, we'll be at the hotel."

I grin. "Don't worry about that. I already told Leesoo to tell Evan, who is close to Mrs. Kim, that I'm taking you for the day. I might even hire you..." I chuckle to myself.

You should have seen his face, big eyes and terrified. I'm such a terrible person. I'd scare him too much. Pfft.

"...Umm, ahh... d-do you need me umm for something?" He stuttered.

"I'm bringing you to Evan. He's excited to meet you when I told him about another guy as short as him." I grin. I'm enjoying this too much. 

..... a bit later. 

Evan's POV

Khun's black car drove up the driveway and pass the gates to the meeting place I sent Leesoo earlier.

He's a great student, although sometimes too realistic and has no sweet dreams of his own. A "Bam for life" type of guy. Sigh. As his mentor and employer, I wish he finds something or someone that can let him realize more realistic dreams, something that can make him happy.

"Hey dwarf! I bought you the guy that you wanted to meet." Khun gestures to the passenger's seat. I wanted to say, for the record, I'm not a dwarf, but I know it's just Khun twisting his words. He and his constant teasing. Sigh, I have a difficult student.

A boy not much taller than me, about Ran's height step out. Cream colored hoodie, gray shorts, red cap, and golden eyes. Wait, a boy?

I can see the entwine and divert paths from him, -to be more correct, from her, she obviously could not fool me, a guide! One path shines more brightly than the other, and that one involves Khun. Oh man, can't believe this is happening!

I gesture for him, no I mean her to come over and tell Khun to wait there to give us space. Khun doesn't like being ignored but there's no way he would dare to refuse me, his teacher and employer. I'm surely abusing my authority. I laugh a bit.

"Hello, Mr. Evan? I'm Leo. You need to see me?" I got closed to her and whispered these words. I hope she takes it to heart.

"I hope you believe me, but I know you're a girl. Stay close to Khun, you guys will definitely benefit each other." Her eyes spark at those words. Not sure what she will decide to do, but that's all I can help her with.

Hahah. I forgot to introduce myself to her. She was nervous at first but when I told her that I was a guide, she came very relaxed and easy going. Fun to talk to, that I almost forgot Khun.

Khun's POV

I just couldn't keep myself from glancing over at them. How is Leo talking and smiling so easily at Evan but avoids me as if I was poison? Am I that scary? No, I need to ask him myself.

"Hey. Did you forget I'm here?" I throw Evan an annoyed look. Then I turn and look at Leo. He was quiet but seem flushed? Did Evan said something embarrassing about me? I swear I'll get him one day!

"What are you guys talking about?"

"You." Evan said automatically. Great. I was right.

" Evan, you better not tell him anything bad about me, did you?" I glance at Leo to see his reaction.

His eye turn big. "No!'re mistaken. Evan told me that I should stay close by you because it might benefit me.." he look away to avoid my eyes.

I grin. Interesting. "How does he benefit me?" I ask Evan.

"Four words. Fire fish and Bam. That's all I'm going to tell you."

Fire fish and Bam? This boy is definitely going to be a great use for me...

"Okay, got it. Here's the stuff you ask for. Also, can you tell Leo's boss that I might as well hire him and that he quit."

" I didn't quit!" Leo yells in protest.

" Then you don't want to stay with me?" I lean in close to his face.

" N-no.. that's not what I mean ..either. I'm just ..lost.. right now." His face was adorable. Flushed and confused, avoiding my gaze.

"Then I make the rules. You'll work for me. I'll pay you double." I grin and stood back up.

Leo stood there still puzzled to himself. I flick my finger on his forehead. "Ow, that hurts!"

"Pfft, hahaha!" I laughed. He's too fun to play with!

"Well then, see you around! I'm leaving with Leo!" I waved my goodbye to Evan.

Evan stood there and smiled. Strange. Did he see something good?

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