Ch. 55 Where I'm meant to be

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A/N: We are now at the final regular chapter. I will post the Epilogue most likely on Monday. This chapter is also a bit longer, but I felt if I shortened it, it would take away from the quality. Happy Reading

BTW I have a bit of a confession - Originally Tim was going to die, but after all the comments on how everyone loved him I changed the direction of the book. I will say that I am much happier with the way the story played out in this version. And it is all owed you, my loyal readers and commentators. 

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As I sat in a quiet house, I did not know what to do with myself. Tim had the pups for the weekend, and I did not have work. I was not used to having time to myself, I had been so busy with the pups and my new internship that it felt like there was no time to breath. With having free time like this it meant that I did not quite know what to do, it was almost like I was forgetting a long list of things that needed to be done. Yet, when I looked around the house there was not a speck of dirt to be found. After Tim had picked up the pups, I had started a deep clean of the house, something that it desperately needed, yet that did not take near as much time as I thought it would. I could not shake the anxious energy that was bombarding me. The silence was maddening.

I jumped up from the couch, before I realized where I was going, I was parked outside the cemetery. Looking out my window I saw the rows of headstones, the one that I was looking for not visible from where I was parked. I sat in my SUV trying to decide if I was going to get out, it had been years since I had been here, my guilt keeping me away since I had been back.

Reluctantly I pulled the door handle and opened the door, stepping out into the afternoon sun. Slowly I made my way to the back of the cemetery where my parents lay, passing the weather worn headstones of other long-gone pack members. Some all but forgotten, others beautifully tended. I could only imagine the neglect that awaited me at my parents graveside, before leaving I had meticulously tended to the headstone for my father.

Every couple of rows I stopped at an old headstone, one of the forgotten pack members and paid my respects. These were the ancestors that came before all of us, the ones that our pack was built on. Our pack would not be without their support and sacrifices, it was a shame that their family had left their memory behind, that our pack had. Brushing my hand over the top of the marble stone, I crouched down to read the stone, the letters worn by the weather over the years, some of the letters barely legible, the stone read, 'In Loving Memory of George Whyte died August 15 , 1876, Aged 72 Years. ' Further down the stone there was another name 'Maggie Whyte died March 9, 1877 Aged 68 Year.' Seeing the stone was both sad, but also brought a smile to my face.

There was no mistaking that they were mates, that they had been able to spend many years together. When you are a young pup dreaming of your mate, it is a long-lasting love like theirs that you hope for. It is what you are told you should have. As I studied their stone a bit longer my mind was wandering to what if's and maybe so's. Whispering a simple thank you to the couple, I stood and continued on my journey to my parents.

As I came up to the top of the hill where they rested a familiar silhouette was kneeling in front of them. Standing back, I watched for several minutes as he continued his task, completely oblivious to the fact that I was standing behind him, watching. Stepping as silently as I could, I walked within a couple feet of him before speaking, "You know," I started and he jumped up from the ground, whipping around, "for an Alpha you sure are not very observant. I could have been the enemy coming to kill you and you never would have known. "

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