Ch 2. Everything changes

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I couldn't believe it, the last day of high school was finally here. I was no longer going to have to worry about juggling alpha duties and school. I would be able to fully devote my time to learning the ins and outs of the pack, I mean I know how the ins and out, but now I could really get down to the nitty gritty. Handle more of the sensitive tasks, get prepared for when my father stepped down and handed the pack over to me. My father is a great man and an even better Alpha, there was still so much for me to learn before I could fill his shoes. I wanted to be a great Alpha just as he is.

My father has always told me, "An Alpha is only as good as his Luna." Meaning that my Luna would have to even me out, be the light to my dark, the sweet to my sour. The way that my mother was for him, she is a magnificent, patient, and loving person. My mother is the type of person that I would hope my Luna would be like. The strength and love that a Luna must have for her mate, children, and pack is not something that you can always find in a mate, finding someone like that is a gift from the Moon Goddess herself. More than anything I wanted my wolf to finally come to his senses because I wanted nothing more than to have my Luna, my mate.

My day started out like any other day. I left my house, climbing into my jacked-up F-250 King cab diesel, turning the key as is roared to life. I sat there for a few minutes giving it time to warm up before shifting it into reverse, peeling out of the drive way on my way to pick up Kimber. Kimber lived less than a mile from my house, so it only took a couple of minutes to get there. I blew the air horns, seconds later she came strolling out the front door. I sucked in a breath, that girl always took my breath away. She was just HOT! Her brown hair fell perfectly around her porcelain skin, her cheeks always had a perfect blush of life in them. She had dark brown eyes, that perfectly matched the color of her hair and she always had the perfect clothing, tight in all the right places.

Mmm.. she was perfect to look at. Now, I am not going to lie, she was a bitch! With a capital B, but I always knew I was going to need a strong woman and if that meant she needed to be a bitch, then all the more power to her. I only wished that our wolves would hurry up and just confirm what we all knew, that Kimber was my Mate, my Luna.

Once we got to school, I could feel something different was in the air. Since it was the last day and graduation was here, I just figured it was all the buzz and excitement of the day, so I brushed off the odd feeling that I had and made my way to my locker. Standing in the hallway by our lockers were our friends. Markus, my beta and best friend. Lukas, Markus' twin brother and my third, and second-best friend. They have been by my side through thick and thin. Next to Markus stood his Mate, Natasha. They found each other about 6 months back when we were visiting our neighboring Pack, Redwood Valley. I was so jealous that he had found his mate first, it did not take long before Natasha had joined our pack, Silver Wood. Lukas found his mate, Skye here at school 6 weeks ago. The funny thing is, Skye and Lukas had been inseparable for years, she was always tagging along with us trying to be "one of the guys". In a way she got her wish. Both Lukas and Markus could not have received better matches, the Mood Goddess sure blessed them.

Then it happened, I could smell her before I could see or hear her. She smelt like home, happiness. I know that is an odd smell for someone, but for me that was apples and cinnamon. A scent that just made you feel comfortable and calm. Then I heard her laughing, just a beautiful angelic sound. I knew in that moment as I dropped Kimber's hand that Ally was the one for me. My wolf went crazy, howling and screaming "MINE!!" Speaking to my wolf I told him, "Calm down! This is not the time."

"What are you doing, Tate? Go to Mate! Claim her, NOW!"

"Not yet, Knox. This is not the time. We will go to her later." I scolded my wolf.

"But I want Mate now!" I had to fight myself to not move, not follow Ally, but I knew this was not the time. I caught her eye and held it, until she turned and walked down the hall to her class.

"Tate, earth to Tate." Kimber sang while waving her perfectly manicured hand in my face. "What are you looking at?" She asked questioningly, looking over to the spot Ally had just been walking.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking, sorry. What's going on?"

"It's time for class, the bell is going to ring any second." She finished saying just as the bell rang, now pulling me toward the first class of my last day of high school. The day everything changed, well the day everything should have changed.


A/N: So I am new to all of this, but Vote and Comment.

I would love to hear what you are all thinking so far!

I am going to update as much as possible (possibly daily with a couple of chapters). Now that we are kind of quarantined due to the current Corona Crisis I have some extra time that I can put to writing this story.

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