Ch. 52 The truth is not always hard to hear

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A / N: Happy Thursday everyone! Another chapter for your reading pleasure is now here. Although, I will warn you that you may not like it, but it is all necessary to get us to where we need to be.

Just out of curiosity I am wondering what you think Tim spoke to Tate about in the previous chapter? ;)

I am thinking that there will be 2, maybe 3 chapters and then an Epilogue to tie up the rest of the loose ends. I think we all deserve to know what happens with McKenna and Allison, do not you? What are your thoughts on how things should end up between them? 

Quick poll: Should Ally end up with Tate or Tim?

I know I have so many questions, but I am just genuinely curious on all of your opinions and ideas, I love reading them all!

COMMENT / VOTE / SHARE <- If you love it someone else might too!



Before leaving Georgia, Tim and I had made tentative plans with Tate and told him he could call and face chat with the pups a few times a week. This seemed to make him happy, although it was hard for him to let go. I could not imagine what it was like for him to get a glimpse of what he had been missing and then to have it pulled away from you once again.

We were now pulling back into the Haven Woods Pack Lands, I felt a sense of unease wash over me. It broke my heart, but this no longer felt like home. Just like my past the life that I had built for myself went up in smoke due to the actions of others, but I was not blameless in this. I know that there were things I should have done, could have done. If I was going to blame others for their misguided attempts in my life, I would also need to shoulder some of that blame as well.

Tim let Emma and Eli out of the car as I pulled a sleeping Edison from his car seat. Gently I moved him, careful not to jar him and wake him. I could only hope that Emma and Eli would nap, but they were wound like tops, so I knew it was just wishful thinking on my part. But still I hoped because I was exhausted, physically and mentally drained. The same exhaustion was shared by Tim, the lines on his young face seeming to become more defined at the stressors of our recent discoveries.

"I will stay out here with them." Tim said to me. His voice was distant and his eyes vacant. This was not a side of Tim I had ever seen before and it was unnerving to me.

"Are you alright?" Alarm bells were going off in my mind, something was not quite right, but I could not place my finger on what, at least not yet. Tim nodded his head to me.

"Yeah, just go put Eddie down. The twins need to let off some pent-up energy. " Again, there was the coldness in his voice, like he was distancing himself from me. Tim turned away walking toward where the pups were playing, leaving me holding a sleeping Eddie.

Inside our home I could not help but feel like I was a stranger, the distance between Tim and I making me feel even more like I did not belong here. Biting back, I could feel the swell of emotions building in the back of my throat. Walking through the familiar halls of the house I carried Eddie to his room, the familiar woodsy feel of his room, encompassed me bringing a bit of peace to my troubled mind. Laying him in his crib I covered him with his blanket and quietly walked out.

As I got to the door, I turned around watching my son sleep. I was jealous of his innocence, the weight of the world had yet to be placed on his shoulders. Yet, I knew that it was not far off, that he too was going to have to struggle with the decisions and worries of an Alpha. After all that is what he was, future Alpha of Haven Woods. A single tear fell from my eye, startling me a bit as I did not even realize that they were building in my eyes. Brushing it away I closed his door.

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