Ch. 3 Waring with myself

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I could hear Knox rumbling at me, on edge.

"Go to Mate! Now!" Knox commanded, trying to take control. If anyone were to look at me right now, they would see my eyes changing from green to black and back again as I fought Knox for control.

"No! Knox this can't be. Kimber was supposed to be my mate."

"Well, she isn't. I want mate now!"

"Aren't you just pushy, we are not going anywhere. I need to figure this out."

"Fine, but just for now. We will go to mate later." I could feel Knox finally conceding to me, however I knew I would only be able to control him for so long.

Finding out that Kimber was not my mate was tough and was only going to get tougher. We had been raised together, our parents always pushing us together. I know Kimber isn't a kind and soft handed soul, like a Luna should be, but she was strong and could handle anything. Her father, Drake was my father's Beta, it was a perfect match or so we all thought. The son of an Alpha, the daughter of a Beta. Why wouldn't the Moon Goddess pair us together?

I had no idea how this was going to work...


This can't be... How could the Moon Goddess be so cruel? The Alpha's son? I wasn't a Luna. I couldn't be a Luna. We all knew it was Kimber, she was supposed to be the next Luna. She has prepped for this her entire life, she was groomed for this. I was the daughter of a warrior, and since my father's death, the daughter of a disgraced Omega.

I had to work harder than anyone to pull myself up, just to get the Alpha to see my worth so I could go to medical school. If I had not been as good in school and devoted so much time to the clinic, I don't think I would even have been able to convince him to give me the opportunity to be the pack doctor.

But now... I am not sure what the Alpha was going to do. How was he going to handle this? How was I going to handle this? I don't even know Tate, we never travelled in the same circles.

"What are you thinking Ally?!?! Tate is our mate! Go to him. We need our mate!" Lily was arguing with the thoughts that were swirling around in my mind.

"Lily just let me focus. This is the last day of school and at the end of the summer I am going to medical school. This is not the time for a mate." I spoke sternly to her.

"Fine! But know I am only letting this go until later tonight." She said with attitude before blocking me out with a humph.

Before I knew it, the day was over. The final bell of my last day of high school had rung. All day I had been like a Zombie just going through the motions, trying to avoid Tate. Much to my dismay I had been successful in staying away from him. Giving myself the space that I needed to think through things. Because I knew he was going to reject me, so I needed to prepare myself for the inevitable heartbreak. He was an Alpha, I was a no one, I was not fit to be Luna.


"Jolly, what is going on? You are so out of it." McKenna said accusingly while shaking my shoulder.

"Kens, I need you to keep a secret." McKenna glared at me, like I was saying something completely insane.

With slight disgust in her voice, McKenna rolled her eyes and said, "When have I ever not kept your secret."

"My mate, I found him." I said in a hushed tone.

Suddenly Mckenna let out a squeal like nothing I have ever heard before. It was off of the decibel chart, "EEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEE!!!!!!" While she clapped and jumped up and down.

"Quiet!" I hissed, between clenched teeth while putting my hands on her shoulders, holding her down.

"This is so exciting!! Who is it? What color are his eyes? What does he smell like? Is he who you always pictured being with? Why didn't you tell me the moment you found out?" She spewed out without taking a breath.

"Slow down would ya! I can only answer one question at a time" I started. "His eyes are green, he smells like perfection, no I NEVER," I emphasized the never, "pictured that he is who the Goddess would mate me with. And I didn't tell you because it was not the right time. I don't want everyone knowing."

"Jolly," Kens started with sincerity, "You should be shouting it from the rooftops! The Goddess gives us the mate that we need, the one that completes us. Not the one that we think we want. And you didn't say who it was. So, spill who is it?"

Saying his name was going to make this real. I am not sure if I was ready for that step or not. McKenna was looking at me expectantly, I dropped my head and whispered his name, "Tate."

"What!?!? How could you not tell me the moment you found out? I feel so cheated! I am your best friend!" Kens was screaming.

"Shh...Mom is sleeping, you are going to wake her up. This is the last thing that I need right now. Kens you don't get it do you? I am leaving at the end of the summer. I am going to Medical School. Mate or not, I am not giving up my dream."

"Allison Nicole Jones you are future Luna, you do not need to go to Medical School."

"Yes, I do! I have been working toward this ever since my father died. I need this! Mom needs this." I stated. "What is to say he is even going to want me. I am nothing in this pack. I had to practically beg the Alpha to send me to Medical School, I am nothing but the daughter of a dead Pack Warrior and Omega. The only reason the Alpha agreed is because of my father and the fact that I have killer grades and was always working at the medical center."

"Ally, look at me," McKenna grabbed my chin and pulled my head up so I was forced to look at her, "You are not nothing. You are my best friend, you are loyal, you are insanely intelligent. Any wolf would be lucky to have you. You are crazy if you think Tate would reject you." She said with love in her voice. "And if he does, we can just string him up." She finished with a chuckle and gleam in her eye.

"Now, lets finish getting ready for the graduation ceremony. We don't want to be late. And later tonight at the party, you can find your man." She said with a wink.

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