Chapter 6 - "I'm not going anywhere"

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It's been all of four days since Josie realized her feelings for Hope and she thinks she is finally at a place of acceptance. She's done denying it, she's done ignoring it, because this is what she is feeling.

At first, sure, the idea of avoiding Hope crossed her mind, thinking that it could make the feelings go away, but she knows better. That would never work. And no matter her feelings, no matter the problems life throws her way, Josie still wants to be Hope's friend, and avoiding Hope would not help that.

They've been spending so much time together and Josie's been enjoying it (apparently a little too much given her renewed crush). And Hope also appears to feel the same, to be enjoying the company.

It's early morning, and Josie and Lizzie have not long finished their breakfast. She's on her way to meet up with Hope so they can walk to class together. She reaches the door and knocks. It's no surprise to her that the butterflies are already making an appearance. When there's no answer, she knocks again. And a third time, but still nothing. Usually Hope would groan and ask who is there in her usual grumpy morning mood, but not today. feeling concerned, Josie walks in.

Hope's uniform is still laid out perfectly across the bottom of the bed, yet there is no sign of her. She looks around for signs of the girl, only to notice an open window. So, Hope has snuck out. But why? That's when something springs to mind, more so a conversation the pair had a few days ago. She pulls out her phone and looks at the date on her lock screen. Now she understands why Hope is nowhere to be seen.

It's the date of her mother's death.

Josie knows she should go to class, but she also knows that she won't be able to stop thinking of Hope. She has to check on her, and make sure that she is okay (or okay as she can be). She runs out of the room, having an idea of where she might find Hope. Josie will deal with the consequences of skipping class later, but right now she has to find her friend.


Josie is successful in getting out of school without being noticed by teachers. She heads straight for the woods and walks until she reaches her destination. She looks around, calling out Hope's name a few times. She looks around, spotting clothes neatly folded next to a tree. that means Hope is in wolf form, which Josie knows she does when she feels upset or stressed, or when she needs a release.

The snapping sound of twigs behind her draws her attention. She hears soft footsteps approaching and when she turns around, her eyes meet a white wolf. She's not scared, she doesn't think about running, because she knows it is Hope. The girl in wolf form growls, but it does nothing to turn Josie away. In fact, it brings her closer.

Josie's never seen Hope's wolf form before. From the white fur and the piercing golden-yellow eyes, she can safely say Hope is beautiful.

"I went looking for you so we could walk to class, but when you weren't in your room I got worried." Josie takes another step closer. "Look, I know you are in a lot of pain, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, Hope." Hope howls, a guttural howl that is full of pain and sadness. Then, she trots over to her clothes. Josie turns around, shutting her eyes tight and putting her hands over them.

A few sounds of breaking bones and clothes rustling later, Hope says something.

"You can turn around now." Josie faces Hope, who looks as good as ever. Seriously, it's like she can never look bad. Josie stops her thoughts there because now is not the time to be thinking in this way. Hope needs a friend.


"What are you doing out here, Jo? Don't you have a class to be in?" Hope tries to look angry, but her eyes show a whole different emotion.

"Yeah I do, but that doesn't matter right now."

"Well, you should go back. I don't want to get you into trouble." Hope suggests, thinking maybe Josie would leave.

"Too bad. I'm not going anywhere. Not today."

"Why?" Hope asks, her voice sounding so broken and vulnerable.

"Because I know what day this is to you and I know how hard it will be. You shouldn't spend it alone. So I'm a friend. I'm not leaving you, Hope, okay?" Hope gives up on acting like she's fine. She gives up on holding tears back and lets her body react in the way that it needs to.

"H-how did you know where to find me?"

"You showed me this place, a few months ago, remember?" Hope nods. Josie sees when the first few tears fall.

Hope slides down against a tree. She reaches into the pocket of her oversized hoodie and pulls out a picture. She looks at it with a weak smile. More tears flow as her fingers stroke over it. Hope looks at the photo of her and her parents, smiling, as happy as can be. She remembers those days, when they had no problems, when it didn't feel like the entire world was against them. She misses it, she misses being held by her mother, she misses her father calling her princess. She misses it all.

Instinctively, Josie sits down next to her, wrapping an arm around Hope's back and placing her free hand in one of Hope's. She does gentle stroking motions, up and down, doing whatever she can to comfort Hope. It truly breaks her heart to see someone who is normally so strong looking so miserable. Josie would like nothing more than to be able to take away the pain, but she can't.

"I just-I always think it will get better with time, y'know? That maybe I'd be better at dealing with it, but I'm not. Every single day I m-miss her...them, even more." Hope doesn't once look up from the photo. Seeing her like this, seeing her cry, makes Josie want to cry too. Except she won't because she's going to be strong for her. The look in Hope's eyes makes Josie hold her tighter. And they stay in that same position until Hope's sobs start to ease. She's still emotional, to the point where she struggles to get words out, but the tears have more or less stopped.

"C-Coming out here to run makes me f-feel like...I'm still connected to my p-parents. Being in wolf form makes me feel like a part of them is s-still with me." She explains. She still has a painting to connect with her father, but this, being a wolf, it feels like it is all she has left to connect with her mother.

No matter how hard the day gets, Hope feels better knowing that Josie will be by her side. Josie's presence alone has always made her feel much more comfortable in any situation. Hope would go as far as to say that Josie is the only person she'd want to see right now. Josie is one of the only people Hope thinks can help ease her suffering.

Hope is brought from her thought when she feels a hand on her cheek. She turns her head to look into Josie's perfect brown eyes, and she feels herself getting lost in them for the millionth time. Hope is ignoring her stomach doing all sorts of flips.

"They'll always be with you, Hope. No matter where you go or who you become. I bet they are watching over you right now...and I bet they are so proud." Hope smiles. She appreciates how Josie always seems to know what to say. The word always makes her think of the family promise, always and forever. It makes her glad that she still has some family left, (who she makes a mental reminder to call today). The promise that Mikaelson's all made to each other is still alive, even if all of them aren't.

Hope slides the photo back into her pocket and rests her head on Josie's shoulder. She grips onto Josie's hand tighter, closing her eyes as fingers brush through her hair. Hope would love to be able to stay there forever. In Josie's arms, she feels at peace.

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