But the prince's actions took her by surprise." Stupid, If you just wanted to some time to fit in all this you could have just told me."

For the first time the prince had a genuine smile on his face making Lisa smile too. He grabbed her hand and led her somewhere outside the palace.

Closing her eyes on the entrance, he carefully guided her through the little rocks holding her hand. Through Lisa'a ears, she heard the sound of running water and the little noises made by the small crickets and the wind being playful jolting her skirt to one side.

He finally let go and Lisa was mesmerized by the beauty of the place. It was so dark that the little insects glowed in the black sky, with a bright blue lake visible by the shine of the moon. She looked up and saw a free sky lit up by the beautiful stars and the clear moon. A glowing butterfly came and sat on her nose.

In excitement she tripped on one of the slipper rocks. Jungkook who was shocked by a small scream quickly got a hold of her waist making sure that she wouldn't drop in the ice cold water and pulled her close just in case.

Suddenly aware of how close they are he wanted to pull away, but he couldn't because he could feel her staring into his eyes ....also because she was stepping on his foot.


She said as she took her palms from his bulky arm. It was covered in blood. They quickly got off each other. She saw his arm that was currently bleeding by a deep cut.

He just smiled to seeing her worried. "That's nothing..Hurt myself while fighting today, before I bumped into you I was planning to come here  and treat myself. Usually do this, so no worries."

But Lisa didn't hear any of that nonsense as she was just focused on treating his wound. She grabbed him by his palm and they both sat down near the water.

"Take of your shirt"

She instructed him, poor prince was just confused until she herself went to grab the hem of the shirt then only did he understand. He quickly got it off revealing his hard abs and a blood left arm. While cleaning his wound she wanted to talk with him , but had nothing to say.

"I don't get it, if physia is in danger then does that mean the fight today was just the starting?" She asked him dressing his wound.

The prince who was enjoying himself suddenly got serious, but he didn't want to ruin this starry night by the horrors of the truth.

"It's not a good time for you to know it now, trust me when you hear the truth you would pray that you hadn't heard it" Jungkook said with a regretting look.

"Why? Is it that bad?" she asked to which she got a shocking reply from."No, It's just going to complicate your life. Then you won't be able to do the things you love. It will be just you being royalty, hard training, thinking about thousands of life in risk and the dangers beyond. Which is why I want to warn you about something, Lisa once this night's over you will face the harsh truth of reality. You have this one night to yourself, do something that you you would want to do... have fun because I know that your gonna have a hard time."
After the long line Jungkook notices that his wound was clean and dressed.

He got up and put his shirt back on even it it was bloody. "By the way thanks for the help, I would have had trouble doing it myself "

He said but Lisa was just silent looking absorbed in her thinking on what Jungkook told her. He just looked at her and huffed a small smile thinking on how cute she is.

As he was about to leave, she stopped him by pulling him down again to where he sat down.

"Do you want to sleep with me?....."

"....I won't have time for it later. Let's do each other a favor. Sleep with me" She said with no amount of humor in it.

The prince just looked at her her mouth wide open in shock. But that later turned into a small smile as he looked at a glowing butterfly that was flying around looking playful. He wanted to be like it . He wanted to just be free from his worries and do something of his own will.

"I don't know....should I just have fun with you?"

Once those words came out of his mouth both of them were shocked by it and meaningfully stared at each other.

And at that note we have come to the end of today's chapter.

What will happen to these two? And what horrors will await once this night is over... who knows?

———To Be Continued———

Biggest chapter yet in this book...


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